Our training services
Businesses of all sizes face an increasing number of legal and regulatory requirements and need to be mindful of their responsibilities. Access to quality training, which will help keep you abreast of your legal obligations, is increasingly important.
Drawing on specialist expertise and experience from across our firm, we offer a wide range of bespoke training programmes, tailored to meet your individual needs. As well as ensuring a proper understanding of the relevant legal issues, our training is always practical and deals with real life scenarios.
We offer a wide range of training formats, from large scale seminars to smaller interactive workshops and webinars, with clear and concise reference packs to maximise value for your employees. We put the law in context, combining legal guidance with a common-sense approach to good practice. In each case, we meet with our clients to review their training needs and ensure that we understand their particular requirements.
Our aim is to help you avoid common pitfalls with a wide range of proactive, educational services. Our training is supplemented with management audits and straightforward guidelines which translate policy into operational compliance, minimise the risks to your business and provide effective problem resolution.
Whatever your needs and whatever your numbers, we can deliver perfectly pitched training at a competitive price.
Examples of our training include our employment, pensions & immigration training services, our boardroom training service, offering bespoke training sessions for directors and senior managers, as well as a suite of risk management services.
To discuss your training requirements, please contact our head of client training, Mark Landon, either via email mark.landon@weightmans.com or by phone +44 (0)345 073 9900.