Section 431 elections
The implications of the Vnuk case
The solvency statement
Earn out: ensure that you take tax advice
Must we continue to provide childcare vouchers to employees on maternity leave?
Can you dismiss an employee if you provide the alcohol?
Finding the balance
A right way: not as simple as from A to B
Employees with criminal convictions: A right to work?
TUPE: The difficulties in disease litigation
Beware the covert recorder
Dealing with unpaid fees — what are your debt recovery options?
Disclosure to and by coroners
Q&A: Can we ban the burqa or veil in the workplace?
The openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 — questions, answers and unanswered questions
Well adjusted? Disciplinary proceedings for disabled employees
Release of corporate debt: watch out for hidden tax charges
Is the clock ticking? The importance of time limits in judicial review
An introduction to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
When sick staff work elsewhere
Implying rights into a completed transfer of land
TUPE — a special assignment — how to spot those employees who transfer, those who don’t and those who might!
Pension loss calculations in disease claims
Coroners' forms and investigation process
Termination of a contract for repudiatory breach
Chasing debts and harassment claims
Assignment of rent: an effective remedy against defaulting borrowers?
Successor Practice Rules
Piercing the corporate veil
Tax efficient extraction of surplus cash
TUPE: who is the 'client' in a service provision change?
What should we disclose to the Coroner?
Protection from Harassment Act 1997
Landlord and tenant — accepting surrender and waiving right to forfeit
Restrictive covenants: seeking remedies
Sale of Goods contracts: Seller’s liability for sub-contracts
Root cause analysis investigation reports
When is a commercial contract a “construction contract” and why does it matter?
Completing the deal where signatories are unavailable
How to deal with a term-time working request
Section 33 — a little clarity
Handling flexible working requests
Q&A: holiday during sickness absence
Managing sickness absence: five top tips
A basic guide to disclosure
Changing workplace policies and procedures
Post-termination restrictions
Can we scrap our employee bonus scheme?
How can excepted group life assurance schemes help you?
Employee shareholders and share buybacks
Substantial property transactions and the acquisition of non-cash assets
What does 'living in the same household' actually mean?
Cycle helmets and contributory negligence revisited
Working Time Regulations: what happens when employees have multiple jobs?
What if I don’t want my inheritance?
What is the difference between civil partnership and equal marriage?
Responding to reference requests
Social media misconduct: can we dismiss an employee for damaging our reputation?
Dealing with disability-related sickness absence
Discrimination by association
LADs and penalty clauses
When absence goes AWOL
Civil partnerships v marriage — is divorce the same?
Restrictions on title: management companies
Pre-action disclosure applications
Disciplinary procedures and workplace stress: Is your organisation at risk of a personal injury claim?
GDPR: what to do when a data breach occurs
Suspending an employee: Our guide to making an informed decision
Property ownership and cohabitants
Unmarried couples and Wills
Secret recordings — can they be used in the Family Court?
Focus on… Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
The assessment of care fees: assets you can and cannot hide
“In the course of employment”: Vicariously liable for an employee’s wrongdoing
Unmarried families — financial provision for children on separation
Cohabitation — A Survival Guide
What are the implications of the GDPR for the retail sector?
New Electronic Communications Code brings changes for site providers who are operators
Q&A: Can you refuse to hire or dismiss an employee for having tattoos?
Relocation of equipment under old and new telecoms codes
What is a package or unit for limitation purposes under Hague Visby Rules?
Shareholders' agreements
Death of a shareholder
Group structures
The family shareholder
Writing a dismissal letter
The employee shareholder
Q&A: Can a manager covertly record an employee’s disciplinary meeting?
Preparing your company for sale
Leaving your GP premises: what you need to know
Dealing with sale proceeds of a business
Planning redundancies: Top tips for dealing with employees on maternity leave
Surviving the 'POCA freeze'
Are non-molestation orders being used fraudulently?
TUPE: Can we remove an employee allowance following a transfer?
Holiday Sickness: Can an employee claim back annual leave if they are unwell?
Conditions precedent
When is a document a deed?
A sting in the tail of benefits reform: Universal Credit and the CRU
Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act
An employer's guide to GDPR
Interim rights under the New Telecommunications Code and the need to proceed quickly
Unconscious bias: A hidden risk?
TUPE: The duty to inform and consult
Love is (not) in the air: Handling employees who refuse to work together
Q&A: Can we deduct lottery contributions from staff pay if this takes some workers below the National Minimum Wage?
Maternity leave: what constitutes reasonable contact with employees?
Final written warnings: will the Employment Tribunal re-open old warnings (and do internal hearings ever have to do so)?
How do you calculate holiday pay for staff who work irregular hours?
Top tips for the first meeting with your family solicitor
Detention damages
Thirty years of the Children Act — a family lawyer reflects
Will my spouse/civil partner automatically inherit if I die without a will?
Helping your children buy property
Quasi-partnership disputes
Stalking Protection Orders
Claims against insolvent insureds — considerations for insurers and insurance practitioners
Is shared parenting going to become the new default in Scotland after parents separate?
Parental alienation
Estate planning under an LPA
Divorce and civil partnership dissolution — a quick guide to family law in England/Wales and Scotland
Financial settlements arising on divorce — a quick guide to family law in England/Wales and Scotland
Cohabitation — a quick guide to family law in England/Wales and Scotland
What happens if there is a dispute about payment of nursery or school fees?
Causing Serious Injury by Careless Driving
Friends and families in business — what happens when familiarity breeds contempt
Sale and leaseback — the saviour or pitfall in raising capital?
Family breakdown: the impact of redundancy on a financial settlement or existing maintenance order
Families in business: What happens on relationship breakdown?
The planning implications of micro-fulfilment centres in urban areas
Changing the face of family law: A retrospective on some of the seminal family law decisions of the last 20 years
Click and Collect — some key risks for retailers
Share sale disputes
Top ten myths about apprenticeships
Claims in relation to share purchase agreements — how to deal with warranty claims in their early stages
Gender Dysphoria: How to support families in conflict over complex issues
Share purchase agreements — issues surrounding expert determination
What’s the damage? How to measure damages for warranty claims
Update on the outcome of the consultation about the Caldicott Principles
Fraud scam identified in respect of judgment enforcements
Scotland: Tips and traps
The future of construction: opportunities and challenges
The whiplash reforms
Data theft — beware of departing employees
Gifts between unmarried couples — guarding against unexpected tax consequences
Vulnerable Road Users and the whiplash reforms
How to respond to a data security incident
The position of Local Authorities — Human Rights Act challenges on environmental grounds
The role of CAFCASS within private Children Act proceedings
The accidental partnership
Domestic abuse and child arrangements: a move forward on a long journey
How bulletproof is your business?
Public Sector Pensions on Divorce: A complex issue complicated further by the McCloud judgment
When can a partner forfeit their partnership share?
What happens to cryptocurrency when I die?
Vnuk — the final chapter?
Unexplained Wealth Orders — what are they and how do they work?
Travelling abroad with children
Quick guide to children law in England & Wales and Scotland — Part 1 — Parental responsibility
Digital divorce — what is it and is it here to stay?
A quick guide to children law in England & Wales and Scotland — part 2 — Court process for children hearings
The effective management of disputes and maximising charitable legacy income
A quick guide to children law in England & Wales and Scotland — Part 3 — moving children across the border
Please don’t let me be misunderstood — The Approved Building Inspector
Retail Innovation — Ethical use of personal data
The Fire Safety Act 2021
No requirement to provide EPC when serving section 21 notice for pre-2015 tenancies
I think my child has been abducted — what should I do?
I have been accused of abducting our child — what should I do?
Insider cyber threats — recognising the risk
Equal rights for all — it’s been a long time coming…
Energy storage
Health and Safety Executive to enforce head injuries in sport?
Trust disputes — what, why and who?
Types of contentious probate disputes
Funeral disputes — what steps should be taken?
Donatio mortis causa (death bed gifts) — a doctrine validating gifts by the back door?
Establishing fraudulent calumny — has the mind of the testator been ‘poisoned’?
Creating a charitable trust
Conversion of civil partnership to a marriage in England and Wales
Contracts for Difference — the future for onshore solar and wind?
What is cryptocurrency?
How to avoid a partial intestacy: lessons from Big Brother
Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
Presumption of death — what do I do if a loved one has been missing for a long time?
Cryptoassets in relationship breakdowns
Navigating smart contract and cryptocurrency disputes
Age discrimination: Can we set a mandatory retirement age for our staff?
Post six year run-off cover
How are cryptoassets taxed on divorce or dissolution?
Can employees work remotely when home is overseas?
Green warehousing
Ten top tips to consider when separating
Evaluating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in public procurement
Franchising — dealing with data breaches
Construction insurance claims and supply chain issues
Alternative dispute resolution in family law
The regulation of hydrogen — what will it look like?
A time for giving, a time for getting — a guide to lifetime gifts
Continence waste
The use of CCTV in care homes — The legal issues
Effective date of termination
How to respond to police requests for patient records
Fitness to practise — what is current impairment?
Fitness to practise investigations
Challenging the media on coverage of a personal nature
How to sell your business
How to buy a business
Amending the Mental Health Act
Partnership agreements for medical practitioners
Adverse possession
Is veganism a protected characteristic?
How to handle the residence nil rate band
Pitfalls with GP premises leases
Spotting a ‘closed culture’ — CQC inspections
Does the ACAS code apply to all dismissals?
Is it legal for employers to ‘fire and re-hire’ employees?
Can visitors work in the UK without a visa?
Do I have to declare my conviction/caution?
Commercial property and VAT: What to consider
Who pays the costs of divorce and related financial proceedings?
The pitfalls of annual renewal for dentists and DCPs
What is parental responsibility?
Extension to the family mediation voucher scheme
The growth of sports data
What is Schedule 1 Children Act 1989? Your questions answered
Combatting modern slavery
What is integrated (lawyer inclusive) mediation and hybrid mediation?
Broken promises — how IT projects can lead to disputes all too often
Violence against women and girls — protecting victims from abuse
Divorce: All in the past?
Next of kin and nearest relative: what is the difference?
Why do I need a cohabitation agreement? The position in Scotland
How can you improve your energy security?
Can the CQC demand information?
Subject access requests and health records
Ethical principles to underpin decisions in adult social care
The opening gambit
What is a GMC Rule 7 letter?
Solicitors left in limbo
How can the nearest relative request discharge?
CQC notices of proposal: how to respond
A first-time buyer's guide to conveyancing
Police investigations — the uncertainty of RUI
GDPR — Lawful grounds for processing data
Diplomatic immunity and the Mental Health Act
Allowing pets in leasehold properties
GDPR in the health and social care sector
Blended and stepfamilies — parenting apart
Who is a legal parent and who has parental responsibility?
Mediation for property disputes between unmarried couples
The challenges male victims face as victims of crimes
B Corporations — A sign of your company’s purpose in an ESG-focused world
Disputes on death: What are the options?
Charitable and philanthropic giving — creating a sustainable global future
The new UK scale-up visa
Turning the tide against vexatious litigants
Evolving family units: understanding your legal position
Why it is advisable to obtain professional legal advice when dealing with estate administration?
Relationship breakdown following IVF
Global Business Mobility
The Procurement Bill: a new UK public procurement landscape
A new draft MCA code of practice
Right to Work checks: 10 top tips
What to consider when making a lasting power of attorney
Ten mistakes to avoid when preparing a Will
Demystifying disciplinary procedures in GP practices
Bridge strikes, Public Inquiries and the Traffic Commissioner
The Great Resignation
Electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles safety considerations
Statutory books and records
Parental responsibility: when court and classroom meet
Understanding Traffic Commissioner hearings
Handling grievances: everything your GP practice needs to know
Are you in a dispute about which school to send your child to?
Advice for GPs — How to avoid an employment tribunal claim against your practice
Health and safety prosecutions
Funding your child's further education
Mediation in complex children cases
Corporate power purchase agreements
Greenwashing in company policy
You need more than a net zero plan to address climate change risk
Work-related stress
Rising inflation and existing spousal and child maintenance orders
What are the risks in being a director of a company that holds a transport operator's licence?
Commercial Agents (Council Directive) Regulations 1993 — rules for principals and agents
How does the ESG agenda align with charitable donations and trusts?
Mediation and domestic abuse
The current law on cohabitation in Scotland and England and proposed reforms to the law both sides of the border
How do you change a child’s name?
High Potential Individual Visa — your questions answered
Riding the mean streets
Finding the balance — public law duties in private prosecutions
Lifetime planning tips for dealing with digital assets
Getting the safety net in place: addressing the risks of falls from height in the workplace
Improving supply contract management
Child arrangements orders in England and Wales — what are they and what is involved?
Director of a business in financial difficulty?
High fat, sugar and salt: HFSS Legislation
Cohabitation agreements: steps you should consider when living together as a unmarried couple
Are you sure that this claim is proceeding in the DCP?
Spotlight on workplace transport safety
Managing HR challenges during the festive season
Liquidated damages: friend or foe?
Restructuring your business
Supply Chain – Health and safety
Trusts — common myths and misconceptions
The Building Safety Act 2022: What about the insurance implications?
Ten reasons why Weightmans is a top ten employer
Coroner’s duties to prevent future deaths
Does language matter in the family court?
Restructuring your business | What to consider
Sole director companies — be careful as you go it alone
Limitation under the Defective Premises Act is now up to 30 years – understanding and mitigating the risks posed
Why you should update your will
Notification of offences to the Traffic Commissioner
Restructuring your business | debt restructuring
Death in service benefits: doing the right thing
Types of demergers
Probate disputes are rising: we explain why
More obligations for care home operators to provide information
How to deal with a problematic personal representative
Acting as a Court of Protection deputy or attorney under a Power of Attorney: making gifts on behalf of someone else
Restructuring your business | Section 110 insolvency act 1986 reconstruction
Influencers and the law
Supporting staff through baby loss — legal and practical guidance
What is a fact finding hearing?
Harassment in the workplace — a growing issue for employers
Build safe, stay safe: The Building Safety Act and dutyholder obligations
Women, relationship breakdown and the risk of pension poverty
Dispelling the top five international family law myths
Losing the Will
Online copyright
A guide to property and financial affairs Lasting Powers of Attorney
Capital reduction demergers
The importance of effective supervision
Franchise agreement — exit considerations
What is an occupation order?
No fault divorce — where are we now
Industrial action: a beginner’s briefing
Top 10 innovation tips for making cybersecurity a strategic asset
Top 10 things to consider when using Artificial Intelligence
Battle of the forms — will the “last shot” doctrine always prevail?
A complete guide to Form E
Risk assessment in the field of mental health
Divorcing a narcissist
10 tips to undertake a fair workplace investigation
Product liability in the UK and the EU: Where are we now and where are we going?
Family loans — how are they treated upon divorce or dissolution?
Deeds of variation — a quick guide
Middle Eastern tax and estate planning: focus on the United Arab Emirates, Dubai (and the DIFC)
Claims defensibility — data analysis underlines the importance of documentation
The positive effect of public inquiries
Wardship and inherent jurisdiction: children law issues in England and Wales
Diagnosis of sepsis: AI to reduce risk?
Franchising — best practice examples from recent cases
The rise and fall of ghost broking
Pension Sharing: the differences between England & Wales and Scotland
Enable — a practical guide to litigation funding
Patient and staff safety within the mental health setting
Finances on divorce or dissolution: when do I need to issue a Form A and what happens next? Q&A
With friends like these…?
Commercial Property MEES Changes
What is a financial consent order and why do I need one?
Top tips — pension sharing on divorce/dissolution in England and Wales
SIPPS: Important considerations for pension sharing on divorce/dissolution
Marriage and civil partnerships for non-binary people
Disclosing a child’s whereabouts — England and Wales
Succession S4 — a cautionary tale for business owners (spoilers)
Working outdoors in hot weather
Indefinite leave to remain
Don’t let your operator’s licence be the first casualty of a restructuring or administration
Enforcement of overseas financial orders
Changes to the taxation of death in service schemes
Sexual harassment in the workplace
Subject Access Requests (SAR) — new guidance
Statutory legacies: what’s mine is yours… but only if there is a will
Entitlement to statutory interest on costs
Addressing violence in the workplace
What are limitation periods?
E-scooters and helmets
Taking of Evidence under the Hague Convention
Claims against drivers who suffer strokes or heart attacks
Are injury compensations subject to taxation in Spain?
The relentless healthcare AI rollout continues; whose fault is it anyway?
Forensic medical experts Spain
Who is a ‘victim’ under French law?
Artificial intelligence in French personal injury claims
Interest on general damages and special damages
Powers of restraint
Motor indemnity issues — challenge or opportunity?
Recognition and enforcement of overseas orders — children
How to end a civil partnership by dissolution
The Strikes (Minimum Service Level) 2023 — striking a balance for safe services, or not?
What are the differences between co-parenting and parallel parenting?
How family investment companies are taxed
Can I change a child arrangements order?
What is the difference between a Conditional Order and a Final Order?
Establishing beneficial interest in property
Partnership deadlock — the death of a business
What is a non-molestation order?
Environmental sustainability agreements and competition law
The Shift to Early Inheritance Gifting
Financial settlements arising on dissolution of a Civil Partnership
Enable — Overcoming third party litigation funding myths
What is a C100 form and when do I need one?
Suicide — a taboo subject in the workplace?
Assessment of damages under Spanish Law
Step-parents and the breakdown of a family
No shortcuts: health and safety in the transport workplace
A quick guide to inheritance tax
The Laws and Rules Around Leaving an Abusive Relationship
Restrictive covenants — everything you need to know
The Laws and Rules Around Leaving an Abusive Relationship in Scotland
Incident Primer: pre-briefing the board at the start of a major incident
Breaking cryptography: quantum computing claim a myth or fact?
Unpacking Contractors’ All Risk Insurance
What is financial abuse?
Expatriate Family Checklist: Moving back to England or Wales
Financial infidelity across the UK
Investigating the link between healthcare investigations and public inquiries
Understanding Section 25 Notices
Are the objectives of the Hackitt report being realised?
How to guide: Being called to give evidence at an inquest
Prohibited Steps Orders: what are they?
Specific Issue Orders: what are they?
Reverse indemnities: A pragmatic solution to the conundrum of statutory funding and double recovery
Interim removal of children from their parents’ care — legal test re-enforced
Are your operating centres putting your business at risk from the Traffic Commissioner?
Choosing child’s school: how to present a strong case if parents do not see eye to eye
Putting a price on justice: how the courts value non-monetary claims within the FRC regime
Health and safety obligations in cold weather working
Practical considerations in pursuing a claim against an uninsured company in liquidation
Estate Administration — Reporting Requirements to HMRC
Relocating within the UK as a single parent
Should you take equity in your law firm?
Ten tips to improve your debt recovery process in 2024
Property ownership and LGBT cohabitants
Avoiding and managing cashflow risks
A guide to non-compete clauses
What is a caveat on a will?
Litigation funding for corporate disputes
Platonic co-parenting
Key issues to consider when a corporate insolvency involves a defined benefit pension scheme
Is marriage ‘worth it’?
Grandparents and family breakdown: What you need to know
What is proprietary estoppel?
In the eye of a DSAR storm — Data Subject Access Requests in Consumer Activism
Explaining the remarriage trap — what to consider if you have not resolved your finances from a previous marriage and are thinking of remarriage
Contacted by a public inquiry — what should you consider
Deciphering evolving ESG risks for the insurance industry
What are the financial implications of remarrying on a divorce or dissolution settlement?
Hybrid working — good or bad for business
Should insurers attend a mediation?
Cohabitation agreements: a guide for Scottish couples living together
Financial settlements on divorce or dissolution: Issues to consider before getting remarried
Top tips for intended parents to consider when planning to have a baby via a surrogate
International marriages
Placing children with family members abroad
Why LGBT cohabitants should consider making a Will
Sharenting — should you post pictures of your children on social media?
What rights does a common law partner have?
Debunking family law myths
Why the date you separated is important for a Scottish family law dispute
Family law in Scotland: what are parental rights and responsibilities and who has them?
What are the alternatives to a parental order?
Parental responsibility before a child is born
A guide to financial remedy proceedings
Unlocking the benefits of business relief
Things to consider when having children together as cohabitees
A quick guide to cohabitation law in Scotland
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the financial services and insurance sectors (1) — the case for regulatory intervention
Can I enforce a family court costs order made in England and Wales?
Funding legal fees during a divorce
What is a financial order on divorce and dissolution?
How to deal with a UK pension after an overseas divorce
Overseas pensions and pension sharing
Is it possible to prevent someone seeing a child?
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the financial services and insurance sectors (2) — non-financial misconduct
Predatory marriage — what is it?
Allocation to track
Assignment to complexity bands
Diversity and inclusion in the financial services and insurance sectors (3) — implementing key initiatives
Psychosocial risk and protecting mental health in the workplace — the new health and safety frontier
NHS Leadership Competency Framework for Board Members
Enforcement, contempt and committal proceedings in children cases
I want my child back — court orders authorising the taking charge and delivery of a child
International adoption: adopting a child from overseas in England or Wales
DNA tests and declarations of parentage
Adopting a child in England or Wales
A Guide to Section 11 Orders: Children Orders in the Scottish Courts
Divorce for influencers
International child relocation: should I stay, or should I go?
Skilled worker visas
Is the Responsible Person an actual person? — and five more important fire safety questions answered
Getting cyber incident response right: the human element
Driving change from public inquiries: the challenges and solutions to implementing learning
Heads of terms
A guide to adoption in Scotland
Do I need a cohabitation agreement?
What does “self-help” mean in divorce proceedings and is it a good idea?
How to divide assets in a divorce
What is cohabitation or ‘living together’ and why is it important?
The legal differences between marriage and living together or cohabitation
Managing parallel proceedings — tactical decisions involving disclosure
Pensions and salary sacrifice for lower-paid workers — is it time to look again?
What is an annulment compared to a divorce?
What is an executor and what are their duties?
Cyber risk in the health sector
Prison Healthcare: ACCT
How can care managers navigate new immigration rules?
Traffic Commissioner Preliminary Hearings
Narcissism, abuse and coercive control
How to start a separation — frequently asked questions
Impacts of the new Labour Government on UK Immigration
Who keeps the family pet if a relationship breaks down?
Divorce and Dissolution — Frequently Asked Questions
How to resolve a family law dispute — what are the options?
Managing realised project challenges
Moving in together: checklist
A guide to goods vehicle operators’ licences
MIAM: Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings
How to get divorced in Scotland
No-fault divorce
International families — family law in a nutshell
Navigating change: strategies for introducing new technology in law firms
Who can consent to the medical treatment of a child?
Who is the Traffic Commissioner and what powers do they have?
What is a Standing Search?
Understanding DVSA roadside checks and investigations
Solicitors in Partnership: Three Mistakes that Lawyers make in relation to their own firms…
What is the DVSA?
Changing your name after a divorce or dissolution
What constitutes conduct in financial remedy proceedings?
An employer’s guide to immigration routes
Solicitors in partnership: three common regulatory issues for law firms and partners…
Solicitors in partnership: when partnership disputes collide with regulatory issues
Horse livery contracts
Constructive dismissal
Lawyer inclusive mediation (LIM) and hybrid mediation
An employer’s guide to applying for a sponsor licence
Business valuations on divorce
Business assets on divorce or dissolution: is a limited company protected from divorce or dissolution?
Business assets on divorce or dissolution: how does the court approach the pre-marital elements of a business?
Mediating conflicts in family businesses
Business assets on divorce or dissolution: How the structure of the business affects the approach to be adopted
Business assets on divorce or dissolution: key issues for business owners when considering the scope of a financial settlement
What is a Grant of Probate and how do you get one?
What is a Will Trust?
Pulling back the curtain on Equality Act Assessors?
The Christmas Countdown – how to plan for Christmas as a separated family
Relationship breakdown for co-owners of a family business
Business assets and unmarried partners: steps to protect your business from relationship breakdown
Business assets on divorce or dissolution: steps to protect your business from a future divorce
Certificates of sponsorship
Disputes: Is mediation the better way?
Mediation in property disputes for unmarried couples
Financial remedy orders on divorce and dissolution: the Law Commission reform project
Against your will — part 1
The advantages of discretionary trust wills
The advantages of life interest will trusts
A guide to intellectual property law
An employer’s guide to sponsor licence compliance
National Procurement Policy Statement update
Why should you sweat the (seemingly) small stuff?
Mediation in complex child arrangements including relocation cases
Non-Financial Misconduct: when ‘off-duty’ behaviour impacts work
Capitalising maintenance: proposals for reform
A brief history of surrogacy
First time buyers — this one is for you
Managing mental health in the workplace – the importance of evidence- led measurement
The ERB Series: Expanding employment protections for expanding families
Police disclosure requests after road traffic collisions – what to consider
The impact of the Labour budget on small businesses: Business Property Relief
Mediating property and land disputes
Confidentiality within mediation
Out of reach: tackling cross-border recovery of arbitration awards
Family Law developments in 2025: What can we expect in England and Wales?
Immigration Salary List
Cohabitation and pensions
"Not dark enough to be offended" – Hotel Receptionist wins Tribunal claim
Mediation Voucher Scheme
Inheritance Tax post Autumn 2024 Budget: lifetime estate planning is essential for an increasing number of individuals
Surrogacy — permitted payments and reasonable expenses
Further extension to the mediation voucher scheme to 2026
The essential guide to spousal maintenance
Death in Service Benefits: an update on recent developments
First Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointment
A guide to defamation
Media and Transparency in the Family Court
Awaab's Law: How are new powers for The Housing Ombudsman influencing social housing?
What does the new Cafcass Domestic Abuse Practice Policy mean for my family?
Divorce and dissolution: What is a partnership?
How partnerships are dealt with on divorce or civil partnership dissolution
How to deal with a Professional Partnership on divorce or civil partnership dissolution settlement
Corporate Offence of Failure to Prevent Fraud
Is your pension scheme suddenly an opportunity, not a burden?
Changes in corporate sustainability reporting coming over the horizon
Directors: Overlook your goods vehicle operator licence conditions at your peril
Inquests after fatal accidents at work: a long and difficult road
The role of the non-executive director: guardian or passenger?
Understanding financial dispute resolution hearings
A guide to Quick Succession Relief
What are the intestacy rules?
Employment status for dentists
The importance of early legal advice in surrogacy arrangements
Surrogacy: issues to consider when choosing a UK based or overseas based surrogate
Thinking of traveling? Check your passport!
EV Charging points – considerations for installation
Prenuptial Agreements in Scotland
Green Commercial Leases
The Crime and Policing Bill 2025: A New Duty to Report Suspected Child Sex Offences
Causing serious injury by careless driving: nearly three years on
Surrogacy and immigration/international law: popular destinations for overseas surrogates
Media Centre
Weightmans LLP complete merger with Ford & Warren
Unlawful detention: significant damages awarded in legal case
Helping to reduce the gender earnings gap at the personal-injury Bar
New managing partner
“Forever chemicals” — report spells out the “staggering” cost of remediation
The Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 2 Report
Court of Appeal clarifies the causation test under ‘at the premises’ business interruption policies
Personal Injury Discount Rate: Scotland & Northern Ireland set new +0.5% rate
EU product liability reform – what are the implications for the UK?
Are football referees employees?
Is it necessary to exhaust the internal grievance process before a repudiatory breach of contract occurs?
Renters Rights Bill – what does it mean for registered providers?
Delay to the implementation of the Procurement Act 2023
Thatcham asks Government to address motor sector challenges
Darzi review
Weightmans upholds its position as a leader in ESG with new partnership
Proposed rent increases under s.13 Housing Act 1998 - who has the jurisdiction?
Next steps: Reflecting on retail’s latest equal pay casualty
Sentencing VLOs in health and safety cases – is change on the horizon?
Legal 500 hall of famer joins Weightmans’ team of ESG experts in London
The Oasis comeback: What’s The Story?
New Homes Accelerator — what do government plans mean for housebuilders?
Research Reveals Airport Hotspots for Parking Violations, with Luton in the Lead
Six students complete internship with Weightmans through Everton in the Community partnership
Leading planning lawyer joins built environment team in Birmingham
EAT found that a change in care home provider was not a business transfer for some and a change in service provision for others
Drones – making aspirations a reality
Portal claims data – second quarter sees significant reduction in EL and PL volumes
“WFH” (Working from Holiday) – survey reveals a “switched on” working population
The “humble’’ ham sandwich – study flags diabetes risk
Long Covid – The Lancet publishes new clinical review
The Arbitration Bill
Employee ownership trusts: rising taxes and economic shifts
UK inheritance tax changes under a new Labour government
Labour government tax changes: can we expect increased capital gains tax rates?
New rules on allocation of tips
Genium X4 microprocessor knee — redefining amputee mobility
The Grenfell Tower Inquiry: reflections on approaching the Phase 2 Report
Disney purport that Disney+ terms and conditions prevent wrongful lawsuit being brought
New government, new water sector regulation
Vicarious liability – the latest - DJ v Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council & AG [2024] EWCA Civ 841
Fire safety in care homes: how do I protect my business and how do I challenge the fire service?
Office for Students updates guidance on harassment and sexual misconduct
The new duty of candour: will it apply to me and what will my obligation be?
28% deals increase in first six months for Weightmans’ corporate team in Newcastle
Assisted suicide
Assessing mental capacity — getting it in the right order
New partner signals growth for Weightmans’ Glasgow office
New powers to search, freeze and forfeit crypto assets
Mental Health Law Briefing
The Arbitration Bill – one of the Labour Government’s legislative priorities
What should employers do when they’re made aware of criminal charges against an employee?
The new duty to prevent Sexual Harassment in the workplace
Weightmans’ commitment to ESG integration once again rewarded with ISO certifications in environment and energy management
High Court guidance on the basis of criminal investigation, Home Office Counting Rules and deletion of police records
Hamilton Corporate Member Ltd & Others v Afghan Global Insurance Ltd & Others [2024] EWHC 1426 (Comm)
‘Words have Wings’: Equality Act change extends discrimination protection
Future action on silicosis?
Do decision makers need to have knowledge of a protected disclosure to establish a whistleblowing claim?
Surveyors and fire safety — Important changes
CQC Single Assessment Framework update
Secret Commission Claims on the Rise in Energy Broker Litigation
'The Obesity Paradox': Enhancing Immunotherapy Strategies
HSE prosecute for asbestos and dust failings
Weightmans success- Chambers High Net Worth 2024
PIDR – The clock is ticking
Kings Speech discusses Employment, Business and Transport
Changes to consumer law
RIBA Publishes New Principal Designer Contract
Changes to competition law
The King's Speech talks Employment Rights and Equal Pay
Bridging Representation Gaps at Inquests: Actions for Organisations
EU act to ban food flavouring
Surgery often ineffective for most mesothelioma patients
The changing face of compensation claims
Labour's Plan for Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls
Labour — what can the financial services sector expect now?
Retail & leisure: a summary of Labour’s potential changes on the sectors
Labour's Election Victory: Impact on UK Transport & Logistics
Election results: The impact on the manufacturing sector with a focus on health & safety
Labour Landslide: Anticipating Changes in Energy & Utilities
New partner joins national private wealth team
Labour and leasehold
A new Labour Government: All change for employment law?
One – nil to Jeremy Vine in libel claim
The Employment Law Election?
Weightmans report most successful year to date
Right To Work Checks — Update
Writs and Warrants: Can you really trust the process?
Why must employers assess the characteristics of employees?
Autonomy in aviation — Law Commission consults on UK regulatory framework as lawyers call for a new human right
Can police officer pre-attestation conduct amount to gross misconduct?
Can contract workers claim indirect discrimination against a principal whom they were working for?
Liability of individuals in discrimination cases
EAT confirms the requirements for effectively settling future claims in a settlement agreement
Weightmans awarded highest ESG rating by EcoVadis
Weightmans reappointed to £100m NEPO legal services framework
New partner joins national financial services team
Laycock revisited: A Claimant’s refusal to undergo medical examination – when will the court impose a stay?
Poll reveals hearing loss in the younger generation
MOD faces toxic air claims
Calls for the next government to remove asbestos from all schools
Health and safety reform? What could we expect from a new Labour Government?
Fitness for human habitation claims – what are they worth?
Managing EURO 2024 Festivities as Employers
Financial Fraud Hotspots
Limitation periods for unfair prejudice petitions following Zedra – a landmark case
Evidential disputes in trespass to person permission hearings
Domestic violence protection orders when the victim is not supportive
Weightmans promote 15 to partner
Supreme Court hands down Judgment unanimously overturning landmark court ruling in Japanese Knotweed claim
CyXcel announce two new hires to lead North American expansion
Japanese knotweed – Davies v Bridgend CBC – a welcome decision for defendants
Death by dangerous cycling — a new offence?
Summary of blood inquiry report
General Election 2024: Alert for property insurers
Labour’s new deal: all change for employment law?
Weightmans appointed to legal services panel to support Sanctuary
Work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) – a time to be concerned?
Weightmans welcomes new legal director to police team
Claims volumes unchanged as Q1 figures released
Regulators under review: Government to review Care Quality Commission’s effectiveness
CRU claims data – the end of “compensation culture”?
Weightmans announce ESG Advisory Group
Talc products — asbestos settlement appears close
Changes to death certification from September 2024
Research reveals UK regions with the most unclaimed estates
‘The law of apologies’ — consultation launched with reform likely
Weightmans’ commitment to apprentices recognised at major awards
Overwork and “burnout” — how should employers respond?
Independent review of social housing provider’s damp and mould reporting procedures
Liability for the acts of senior management for economic crimes
Three new partners join Weightmans in London and Liverpool
Open justice — proposed rule change will increase transparency
Service and registered addresses
Fairness of dismissal — where there is a breakdown in the working relationship
ACAS publishes guidance on the new Carer’s Leave Entitlement
New social housing consumer standards have taken effect
Government launches new disability guide with CIPD
Disability Discrimination claims can be costly
UK strike law incompatible with human rights
Weightmans announces CyXcel expansion to North America
Retail violence — England and Wales to align with Scotland
Consultation launched in the light of Court of Appeal ruling
Weightmans scoop major award at Legal 500 ESG Awards 2024
Mesothelioma — latest research paints a mixed picture for patients
39% of Brits Sign Contracts Without Understanding Them, Survey Finds
New water industry Special Administration Regime
Real estate student accommodation (PBSA) market insight — Glasgow, Scotland and UK wide
Mesothelioma litigation — Leading Counsel’s fees disallowed on costs assessment
The United States finally bans white asbestos
Vaping link to raised risk of heart failure
Court fees set to increase by 10% from May 2024
Equality Act defences to possession claims — High Court ruling on application of section 15 test
Is a building manager an Accountable Person under the Building Safety Act?
New appointments give Weightmans a boost in the Midlands
Weightmans join regional Mayor to tackle race inequality
Weightmans elect new senior partner, as David Lewis retires
Family friendly rights upgraded
Holiday Pay: Your Essential Guide to the new rules
Duty of care to university students: Important Supreme Court decision
Breaches of procurement procedural rules
False or misleading documents or statements
Mixed injury claims clarification at last
Judicial College Guidelines — increases to the guideline rates
Appeal resolves asbestos uncertainty
Transforming our skies — how drones and electric Vertical Take Off Taxis could boost the economy by £45 billion
Extended Redundancy Protection for pregnant employees and new parents
Is dismissal considered a reasonable response when an employee makes a racist joke?
Reasonable adjustments — A Timely reminder
Fire and Re-hire: the updated statutory code of practice
Highways Act (Amendment) Bill
Seven Weightmans team members make Thomson Reuters’ Stand Out Lawyers list
Litigation down by a quarter yet court delays increase
Weightmans win big at Legal 500 Northern Powerhouse Awards
Changing dynamics of families
Ransomware is rocketing — but should you pay it?
The Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill
Weightmans advise HSS Hire Group Plc in £23m transaction
Global ethical business report
From Cheshire West to Peterborough — a judicial attempt to narrow the definition of deprivation of liberty?
Closing a loophole with the new failure to prevent fraud offence: What you need to know
Novel heads of loss — loss of chance of inheritance
Spring Budget 2024: highlights of the budget and what it means for you
International Women's Day
The importance of making a Will and keeping it updated
ECCTA changes to Companies House
Changes following the Powers of Attorney Act 2023
Reintroduction of fees in the Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal: Let us know your views
Can whistleblowing claims be brought after the signing of a COT3 agreement?
Menopause guidance introduced by the Equality and Human Rights Commission
Employer Liability for Harassment and TUPE Transfers
‘Long COVID’ — the latest developments
Retail crime — “a crisis that needs action”
Weightmans advise Natural Stone Surfaces Ltd on the purchase of Precision Stone Ltd
A last-minute bump in the road for the widely anticipated Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
Surrogacy — progress and proposed Reform
Application for financial proceedings after an overseas divorce
The road to Martyn's Law: all change?
Weightmans bolsters London position with several major new hires
Traffic Commissioners to examine agency driver arrangements more closely
Civil Justice Council respond to proposed court fee increase
Weightmans shortlisted in key categories at Legal 500 ESG Awards 2024
Mental Health Burnout — Report calls for a national summit led by Government
Children in Crisis: Legal considerations for care in a paediatric setting
What’s coming up in Family Law in Scotland in 2024
Update on Immigration Rules Changes 2024
High Court confirms police officer’s power in custody to seize clothes
Employment Tribunal Claims: A move towards compulsory ADR?
A helpful landlord is not liable for carrying out improvement works
Weightmans in Manchester kick-starts 2024 with new partner
Fully remote working — a way forward?
Immigration Changes 2024: A Reminder
‘Clearing The Air’ – report calls for removal of all asbestos in schools and hospitals
Weightmans advise administrators in sale of business and assets of North Brewing
The approach to applications for late expert evidence
Crystal ball gazing — Health and Safety in 2024 and beyond
Ofwat modifies water company licences to introduce customer-focused principles
Mediation: getting the timing right
29% deals increase in 2023 for Weightmans’ corporate team in Newcastle
Implementing “Right Care Right Person” — easier said than done for police forces?
Weightmans awarded UK Top 10 employer status
Heartbreak Neighbourhoods
Personal Injury Discount Rate (PIDR) — call for evidence launched
Varying spousal maintenance for equitable outcomes
Motor Finance Commission
Awaab’s Law — the timescale for repairs
The end of secondary victim claims in clinical negligence? Paul, Polmear and Purchase appeals fail
The extension of FRCs: a guide to “contracting out”
Weightmans advise in management buyout of New World Hotels Limited
The forecast for Family Law in 2024
Rare update on costs in civil protective orders and the future of the standard of proof
CTS cyberattack: why MSPs must make security an ongoing priority
Supreme Court decision in HXA v Surrey County Council; YXA v Wolverhampton City Council. Judgment handed down
Drones — transformational for retail and logistics but a headache for insurers?
‘Tick tock’ on Retained EU Law — or is it?
The cost of care
Upper Tribunal gives guidance on effects of Schedule 8 of the Building Safety Act
Weightmans advise Apadmi on investment from CBPE
Update on Proximate Cause in Insurance — Court of Appeal unanimously dismiss Exeter’s University’s Appeal
A tale of two disabilities
Low level asbestos exposure — what constitutes “a material increase in risk”?
Housing Association ordered to pay over £145,000 in damages by the County Court under Housing Act 1988 after unlawful eviction
CFC and Weightmans to launch UK Cyber Monitoring Centre
Weightmans success: Pursuer’s agent found to have acted in a manifestly unreasonable manner, expenses awarded
Can courts grant final injunctions that prevent persons, who are unidentified, from occupying land?
CyXcel announced as a finalist in the 2024 Cyber Insurance Awards Europe
Weightmans has been successful in High Court contempt proceedings in the case of Metroline Limited v Mr Diego Barbosa Araujo
Divisible or indivisible injury? It might be immaterial
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in housing conditions claims — what does the future hold?
Weightmans featured in The Legal 500's second UK Green Guide 2024 Edition
Challenging expert evidence
Investigating complaints of sexual harassment by police officers
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls
Retail violence — Government launches Project Pegasus
Amendments to the Equality Act 2010 — Retaining European protections for UK employees
Mesothelioma — clinical advances offer hope for patients
The King’s Speech of 7 November 2023
Overturning a finding of fact — a warning to litigators
A new duty to prevent sexual harassment at work?
HSE Summary Statistics Release 2023
Supreme Court rejects limitation defence in secret commission claim
Charity law update
Autumn Statement 2023 — highlights and what it means
New disclosure timeframes for criminal convictions — What do employers need to know?
RSH consultation on statutory powers
Consultation on increased court fees
Transgender Awareness Week — Supporting transitioning employees
Weightmans LLP advise on sale of CM Research Ltd
The legalisation of assisted suicide
Use of Regulation 13 in dispensing with probationary constables
Responsibilities for after-care under s117 Mental Health Act: The Supreme Court’s Judgment
Retained EU Law reform — draft statutory instrument published
The right to choose — belief and dilemmas in capacity assessments
SEC targets SolarWinds Corp and CISO over cybersecurity weaknesses
Ben Troke new healthcare partner in Leeds office
A rise in Housing Ombudsman complaints — Testing times for landlords
The new Provider Selection Regime
The Times best law firms 2024 list
An update on section 21 notices
False imprisonment and mentally unwell detainees
Transgender discrimination — what to consider
Discrimination because of menopause
Information Commissioner lacks jurisdiction over US corporation monitoring behaviour of data subjects in the UK for foreign law enforcement
RSH consultation on consumer standards
Financial Conduct Authority’s £11 million data breach fine
Understanding and addressing the health risks of damp and mould in the home
Suspected failings in the regulation of combined sewer overflows
Holiday pay: Supreme Court decision increases financial exposure for employers
Fixed recoverable costs in lower damages clinical negligence claims
International private wealth expert joins Weightmans
The importance of gas safety in homes and the protection of vulnerable tenants
Weightmans successfully repudiates de minimis noise-induced hearing loss claim and recovers expenses
HSE statistics 2022/23
Restrictive covenants in franchising
Lord Scarbrough and the Trustees of Lumley Castle return to the helm
Weightmans welcomes lawyer with ‘unique set of skills’
Can a share incentive plan transfer under TUPE?
To what extent will solicitors’ compulsory professional indemnity insurance provide cover for liabilities which include the firm’s fees?
Reasonable adjustments in the application process
Can the use of an offensive racial term during an equality training session amount to gross misconduct?
Global digital transformation and cyber security experts launch first-of-its-kind business
Privacy Shield 3.0: The UK-US Data Bridge has been announced
NHS Pension Scheme — Age discrimination reversal
Building Safety Act: Court of Appeal provides guidance on interpretation of provisions
P&C Legacy group Marco Capital advances UK motor strategy with law firm Weightmans
Home Office publishes (more) changes to UK Immigration Rules
RAAC “shambles” – full disclosure awaited as asbestos fears voiced
Thrills and spills: another win for Weightmans’ sports team
The Civil Justice Council publishes final report on Pre-Action Protocols
The RAAC crisis — are there professional indemnity claims “bubbling” under?
Weightmans further strengthens European presence with merger
Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) — why school closures are just the tip of the iceberg?
Asbestos disease claim not allowed to proceed due to time bar
Lidl v Tesco: When only an injunction is adequate relief
Weightmans moves in the Midlands
Weightmans and Caldy are the perfect match as firm announces sponsorship
Are restrictions to “lost years” claims set to be challenged?
Weightmans strengthens police team with triple hire
High court’s warning about issuing in the Royal Courts of Justice
The burden of proof in ASB injunctions
Product liability — where are we going?
Assumption of responsibility and omissions — a new era for public authorities?
UK Flash Flooding on the rise — an alert for property insurers
‘To Mediate or Not to Mediate?’ — that is (no longer) the question!
JC Guidelines
An important decision for cross-border cases
Legal costs jurisdiction challenge
Accident on board flight
Filmed trials and court hearings in France
Contributory negligence and children
The European Commission adopts new adequacy decision for EU-US data flows — a UK perspective
Pedestrian hit by tractor
Cyclists who kill pedestrians
Can an employee be fairly dismissed in the absence of a dismissal meeting?
Flexible working — an update
Immigration updates
McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board [2023] UKSC 26 - does “doctor know best”?
Record turnover at Weightmans as the firm sees 22% growth
Employers can no longer use agency staff to fill in for striking workers
The Supreme Court’s view on the engagement of Article 2 ECHR
Workplace Claims Pre-action Protocol Disclosure Consultation
Claims inflation — solvency warning issued to insurers
The Building Safety Act 2022: Extension of Limitation periods
Draft investigation reports — can they be disclosed as part of Tribunal proceedings?
Time to review the reserve?
Bridging the gap between social media misconduct and the workplace
Subconscious discrimination — Should this be taken into account when considering a direct discrimination complaint?
Personal Injury Discount Rate
Weightmans gets Energy boost with new commercial hire
Weightmans announces new additions to the Glasgow family team
“Fundamental reform” on the horizon for the Traffic Commissioners?
Workplace transport safety
Weightmans welcomes three more experts to Glasgow
High Court refuses permission for ClientEarth to continue action against Shell's directors
The COVID 19 national Inquiry — what is it about and where are we?
A closer look at the Renters Reform Bill
Is an employer liable for the acts of a third party?
A reflection on economic challenges for the UK construction industry in 2023
Supply chain sustainability — what’s coming up the line
CRU claims data — stagnant levels rule out post-COVID bounce back
Calls for specific legislation grow as retail violence increases
Home Standard breaches — the need for periodic safety inspections in the social housing sector
Successful application under section 127 IA 1986
Smarter Regulation: Changes to working time, TUPE and restrictive covenants announced
Civil Justice Council Costs Review — Final Report
What is deprivation of liberty?
Weightmans and Everton in the Community sets students on path to success
Ruff decision for pursuer involved in dog walking accident
Six star lawyer completes world marathon series
Fixed recoverable costs
NEC dispute resolution procedure
Turning a blind eye — what is required to condone dishonesty
Aston v City of Liverpool YMCA — A leap of faith?
Weightmans promotes 11 to partner in latest round of promotions
Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill — Forewarned is forearmed
Liberty Protection Safeguards in limbo
The Supreme Court's judgment on the limits of the exercise of parental responsibility
Retained Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022
Anti-social behaviour action plan
Mild TBI and dementia — court confirms still no causal link
£700,000 hearing loss award for former marine
Workplace exposure to asbestos remains unproven
Article 2 in the context of lapses in care and treatment
LEGAL COMMENT: Weightmans experts respond to proposed surrogacy reforms
A useful reminder of when solicitors owe duties to third parties
Is Gretna Green going to become popular again for runaway couples?
Is it fair to discipline an employee because of his aggressive behaviour which arose because of his disability?
Employment Appeal Tribunal takes rare look at ‘marital status’ discrimination
War exclusion upheld in relation to damage caused by controlled detonation of World War 2 bomb at Exeter University
Striking the balance — the risks of pre-inquest admissions
The National Deprivation of Liberty Court
Restrictions on the private lives of police officers under conduct investigations
Family of deceased awarded £250,000 for loss of society
Weightmans welcomes new police partner
Asbestos exposure prior to 1965 — foreseeability is determined by “the standards of the day”
Bar set too high for nightclub in slipping accident
Changes to Limited Partnerships are due to become law in Spring 2023
HM Land Registry delays leaving lenders in limbo
Weightmans set to move in Birmingham
Weightmans improves ESG literacy with bespoke training programme
Occupiers cannot extinguish their liability for lighting
Anti-Social Behaviour Injunctions: Court of Appeal decision clarifies sentencing options for committals
The Evolution of Martyn’s Law: the Protect Duty
The Charities Act 2022 — key changes for trustees and their advisors
Prince Harry’s ‘Spare’: Confusion reigns over unconscious bias?
Court of Appeal decision on mixed injury cases: What does it mean for you?
In pursuit of certainty — ICO enforcement
Weightmans wins place on national NHS legal framework
Claimant falls short in proving liability for statutory breach post ERRA
Regaining control in vexatious litigation
Court of Appeal case demonstrates uncertainty and complexity for unmarried separating couples
Causation and material contribution in birth injury claims — a victory for claimants?
Horizon scanning: Insolvency forecasts for 2023
Harpur Trust v Brazel: Consultation proposes tidy-up of complex holiday pay rules
Weightmans successfully defends Metropolitan Police in a recent case involving debt claims
Clinical negligence — a High Court decision on quantum
And so it begins!
The future of flexible working — what do employers need to know?
Weightmans recognised as a UK Top Employer
Adapting to the new CQC approach: guidance for healthcare providers
Divorce Day 2023 — legal comment
Building Safety Act 2022 continues to evolve
Working in cold weather — how employers and organisations can mitigate the risks
Slip on ice — no duty to grit car park
Landmark ruling finds Covid vaccine dismissals did not discriminate
Adjudication enforcement: arbitration provisions
A challenge to French succession planning? Key takeaways for those with assets in France
Co-location of energy could significantly cut the cost of expanding renewables
The crisis within the Family Court and Non-Court alternatives
HSE statistics show rising cost of workplace stress, depression and anxiety
A roadmap for the year ahead: What will transport regulation look like in 2023?
Weightmans makes triple hire for national healthcare team
Landmark legal case highlights value of injunctions in cyber attack cases
Autumn Statement 2022 — Weightmans experts outline key proposals
The Register of Offshore Entities: UK properties held in offshore structures — what you need to know
Inheritance tax and siblings: proposed reform
The Scottish Law Commission’s report on cohabitants in Scotland has now been published
Kanwarjit Singh Juj v John Lewis Partnership PLC
MoJ Portal interim payments — A long awaited decision on paragraph 7.12!
A review of the Supreme Court decision in Guest v Guest
Subject access requests, delays and claims
The headlines from the decisions in Stonegate, Greggs and Various Eateries
Proposed reform to the rights of cohabitants in England and Wales
Q&A: Directors duties versus creditors interests
Does The EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill spell the end for existing Health and Safety Regulations?
The Court of Appeal assess insurers’ potential to challenge credit hire claims within the MOJ portal
Weightmans soars with new Aviation hire
The purpose of public inquiries: learning lessons from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry
Is the cost-of-living crisis causing more people to divorce?
Weightmans shortlisted for the Insider North East Dealmakers Awards 2022
‘Return of the cap’? Public sector exit payments: consultation on new controls process
NHS announces new system for investigating serious incidents
Liability for trespassers
Changes to Capital Gains Tax rules on divorce and dissolution
Consultation on qualified one-way costs shifting closes
Part year workers — how should leave be calculated?
Digital right to work checks for British and Irish Citizens
Can the occupier and employer both be liable?
The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
The Building Safety Act 2022
Human Rights Act 1998 Article 3 — no retrospective engagement
New Mental Health Bill 2022
Concerns over delays to register lasting powers of attorneys
Concussion — One too many hurdles?
The OIC process one year in — what do we know?
Has compensation culture bitten the dust?
Non-fatal collisions. New offences in force from 28 June 2022
Weightmans announces financial results
Weightmans and RadcliffesLeBrasseur complete merger
Unfair dismissal: Must a finding of discrimination always make dismissal unfair?
COVID-19: Return-to-work refuser was fairly dismissed
Helpful court guidance for police forces on when and how to apply for SROs
Clarifications to the 2018 prescription act in Scotland
Lawyer represents Team GB in Europe
Weightmans announces latest promotions
Weightmans grows national healthcare team with Newcastle appointments
Construction industry worker shortage — is the frontier worker permit the answer?
The High Court considers the validity of tenancies granted by fraudulent employees of the landlord
Further update: right to work (RTW) checks
Employee privacy: E-mails sent from business account not confidential says Court of Appeal
PFI update — insurance premium risk sharing and expiry
Damages Claims Portal
Service charges and GP practices
Does the death of a vulnerable care home resident require an Article 2 inquest?
GP partnership disputes
The Upper Tribunal and restrictive covenants
An update on Owens v Owens
Policing and Crime Act and the Mental Health Act
Dr Michalak and the GMC
An analysis of the law relative to quantification of damages in fatal claims north and south of the England/Scotland border
All change in the Family Court — a review of recent reforms designed to improve efficiency
Changes in divorce and civil partnership legislation
COVID-19 and annual leave: Must we allow staff to ‘carry-over’ holiday?
Grievances: Can we dismiss an employee who raises serial complaints?
When can a visit visa be used for European Union construction workers instead of the points-based immigration system?
Weightmans appoints Stuart Whittle as Chief Innovation and Technology Officer
Functional Neurological Disorder: Finding order within the disorder
The Care Quality Commission challenges
What do we know about the COVID-19 Public Inquiry so far?
Highway Code changes 2022: what do they mean for motorcyclists?
Weightmans appointed to NHS Resolution new Legal Framework panels
Weightmans acquires MatterLab following landmark AI and data project
The duty of care owed by police: a useful restatement
Highway Code Changes 2022: What does it mean for cyclists?
High Court rejects constructive trust and proprietary estoppel claims
New SDLT surcharge for Non-UK resident purchasers of UK residential property
Court of Appeal delivers a blow to insurers challenge to Benefits Recovery Act
Extension of the Article 2 ECHR boundaries?
Cross-examination at the Medical Practitioners Tribunal (MPT)
The importance of natural justice in employee disciplinary hearings
Can gross negligence constitute gross misconduct?
The interaction between guardianship and DoLS
New Year, New Highway Code…
Health and Care Visa scheme expanded
Court of Appeal provides useful guidance given for horse owners on strict liability under Animals Act
Directors beware! New disqualification rules to curb abuse of the company dissolution process
Weightmans appoints new litigation partner to aviation team
Environment Act 2021 — Storm overflows
Weightmans secures trial win for one of the UK’s largest retailers
Less than 2 months to go: how to proactively resolve Christmas child arrangements disputes
Weightmans secures top law firm ranking
Contributory negligence: getting into a drunk driver’s car
Custody officer’s power to deny bail after charge on ‘own interest’ or ‘own protection’ grounds preserved
Can employers bypass collective bargaining? The Supreme Court decides
Court awards damages exceeding £1.3 million
Official Injury Claim quarterly data releases
Claimant jailed for seven months for contempt of court
Liquidated damages and partial possession
Supreme Court provides clarification in the Brownlie 2 decision
Trivial data breach claim struck out
Weightmans welcomes first apprentice solicitors
Case exposing dubious practice by motor engineers shifts goalposts for insurers
Weightmans secure discontinuance in large loss employer’s liability claim
Parenting decisions and gender dysphoria: what is the impact of the Court of Appeal decision in Bell/Tavistock?
A lesson in instructing experts in mental capacity assessments
Construction professionals: when will a duty of care arise to third parties?
Nuisance claim update
Fraud does not taint innocent partners
Malicious cyber attack results in data breach
Will a contractual change be void under TUPE even if it benefits the employee?
Success fees in mesothelioma claims
National Security and Investment Act
When expert engineering evidence in a vehicle damage and credit hire claim is not what it seems
The law relating to divorce and civil partnership is changing
Entry on MID does not bind motor insurer
Trust compliance: What do trustees need to do?
Nervous shock and claims for psychiatric injury
HM Treasury Special Severance Payment Guidance Updated; the grip on the purse strings tighten
Changes to the QOCS in Scotland, from 30 June 2021
Brexit — the impact on the construction sector
Judge finds fundamental dishonesty after ex-employee lies about his previous claims history
An interim injunction against the world for a police informant
Under pressure: When a customer calls for an employee’s dismissal
Confirmation of the test for mental capacity to make a will
Prison authorities failed to keep a prisoner reasonably safe
The Charity Code of Governance
Major reforms to the UK’s audit market and corporate governance regime
Failure by Spectra Drive to insure a credit hire vehicle leads to claim being dismissed on the grounds of illegality
Visiting Europe? To work, or not to work?
Aggregation in reinsurance
Removing the resident labour market test — transitional teething problems — or here to stay?
The Ockenden Review
Even Premier League footballers are owed a duty of care
Damages for malicious prosecution
Testing times: can an employer require workers to undertake mandatory COVID-19 tests?
Contracts for services — Another visitor visa option for short term workers entering the UK?
Lawful arrest — a case against Chelmsford Crown Court and Chief Constable of Essex
Al-Najar and others v The Cumberland Hotel (London) Limited 2020 EWCA 1716
Post-Brexit: Is the Visitor Visa an option?
Unlawful killing — the civil standard of proof
The importance of a valid notice of warranty claim — recent guidance from the courts
Tree falls and highway duties
A First Class decision on impecuniosity from the Court of Appeal
Ex turpi causa — Supreme Court
Weightmans launches new solicitor apprenticeships
Necessity to arrest for a search
HMRC increases estate investigations for Inheritance Tax
Court of Appeal decision in Cable v LV
Weightmans releases positive trainee retention figures
Emergency Services collaboration — the successes and pitfalls
Ogden working party releases 8th Edition of Ogden tables
A common-sense approach to Basic Hire Rates (BHR) evidence
De facto directors personally responsible for company contempt
Are expert reports in inquests privileged?
Forum shopping is alive and well: Villiers v Villiers Supreme Court decision
Goodenough v Chief Constable of Thames Valley (2020)
Gas safety certificates and the service of S21 notices
No tax relief for in-specie transfers
Disclosure of medical records to a personal representative — is a claim required?
Do not resuscitate, advance decisions, LPAs and safeguarding
Vicarious liability — the Supreme Court restores order
Weightmans announces partnership with risk management platform AuditComply
CPR amendments effective April 2020
Remedies of last resort
Restrictive covenants in shareholders' agreements
Civil litigation update — success fees in Scotland
Court of Appeal issues guidance on restoring a dissolved company to the register
Weightmans Liverpool HQ made fit for the future
Breadwinner v homemaker: what happens on divorce?
Securing settled status — how far does the employer’s duty go?
Breach of healthcare guidelines in clinical negligence claims — guidelines or tramlines?
New pre-action protocols bring clarity for disrepair and possession claims
Electronic service of a Copley offer by text message deemed acceptable
Article 3 — the threshold for engagement
Weightmans expands into North East England
Credit hire costs, taxi drivers, loss of profit and the correct assessment of loss
Court of Protection clarifies rules for gifts made under Lasting Powers of Attorney
Rees and Others v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis
TUPE: Obligation to maintain National Minimum Wage records moves to transferee
Will covertly recording a meeting always be gross misconduct?
Scarle v Scarle and the 'commorientes' rule: who died first?
'Fundamentally dishonest’ tripping claim with costs summarily assessed
Navigating auto-renewal contracts and unfair terms
An executor’s right of indemnity
Four promoted to Equity Partnership at Weightmans
Beyond the Employment Tribunal: what happens next when a claim just won’t go away?
Do we need to record all employee working time? New case from the ECJ
A reminder on the succession of farming tenancies
Weightmans promotes 103 as new roles created
Lewis v Tindale, MIB and another — MIB liability for claims outside the scope of the Uninsured and Untraced Drivers Agreements
Trust fined for false imprisonment of patient
The Scottish Compulsory Pre-Action Protocol — Binding admissions
Defamation, Jurisdiction & Forum Non Conveniens
Personal liability of directors: Could you be caught out?
Changes to the Financial Ombudsman Service
‘Use’ of a vehicle — an opportunity missed?
Doctors who are subject to a GMC interim suspension should continue to be paid, decides Court of Appeal
Expenses in the Scottish Courts — new rules
Redundancy pay (and other statutory limits) to rise again
Claiming a breach of section 41 of the Highways Act 1980
Can a claimant insist that an employment tribunal judgment is removed from the online public record?
Liability, chain of causation, Contributory Negligence, Art 75 and meaningful degree of negligence
Cameron v Hussain, LV and MIB — Normal 'service' is resumed for untraced driver cases
Weightmans secures government grant for AI and data project that will transform legal services
Specific performance for breach of repairing covenant at Beetham Tower
Disability discrimination: what counts as ‘unfavourable’ treatment?
Proving race discrimination: Our success in Court of Appeal
Weightmans lawyer helps to make history as Emmeline Pankhurst statue is unveiled in Manchester
Holiday Pay: Important new case on ‘carry over’ and pay in lieu of annual leave
Avoid a contractual own goal — the importance of entire agreement clauses
Universal credit — delays and the impact on divorced or divorcing couples
Weightmans launches specialist Aviation team
Defendants are entitled to pre action disclosure of impecuniosity evidence
The danger of non-disclosure in acquisitions
Ill health retirement: Will a flawed procedure always be discriminatory?
Cavanagh v Witley Parish Council, Court of Appeal
Duty of care owed by A&E receptionist
A shift in the accepted legal understanding of what constitutes a marriage
The scope of the liability of the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) as an emanation of the UK state
Duty of care, negligence and assumption of responsibility
Industry-wide trucks cartel facing massive legal claim in UK tribunal
Late acceptance of a Part 36 Offer does not automatically give rise to indemnity costs
Emergency services owe duty of care to individual following 999 call
Coroner’s Inquests and Article 2 — Fernandes endorsed by the UK Courts
When is a member in “pensionable service”?
Injunctions: when can an employee stop us from suspending them?
Contribution claims between insurers in mesothelioma cases — limitation and basis of assessment of quantum
The duty to warn and the limited application of Chester v Afshar
Weightmans partners with University of Liverpool and Kira Systems to develop AI capable of legal reasoning
The Financial Guidance and Claims Act
KA v MA — A Reminder of the Value of a Pre Nuptial Agreement
The burden of proof in Article 5 claims
Monitoring Officer Handbook Interview
Covert surveillance and privacy at work: Important new case-law
Multiple allegations of misconduct: Tread carefully to avoid unfair dismissal
Unfair Dismissal on the expiry of a Fixed Term Contract
Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Amendment Regulations 2018
Police immunity — Hill misunderstood?
Police obstruction and self-defence
An exercise in discretion: Robert Carroll v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester
Personal injury, Negligence, Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957
Limitation and jurisdiction — The Care Act and recovery of care home fees
A point of interest
Court of Appeal rules on the case of IBM v Dalgleish and others
Equal pay update: three new cases you need to know about
When work transfers overseas, what happens to the staff (and does TUPE apply)?
The Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010 is not retrospective
Industrial relations update: five new cases
Putting assets out of reach of creditors
Calculating strike pay deductions
TL v Chief Constable of Surrey
McCarthy v Chief Constable of Merseyside Police
S.11 repairing obligations in the Supreme Court
Supreme Court Judgment reminds employers of the risk of reinstatement orders
Recoverable damages for wasted staff costs
Employment termination payments, tax and injury to feelings
Important judgment on the accrual of holiday during long term sickness
Restricting where your former employees work can be reasonable says High Court
Stopping e-mail access to absent employee was unlawful discrimination
Walker v Metropolitan Police
Holiday pay claims: new limits introduced
Manufacturer may not be liable even if a product is defective
New inheritance rules came into force on 1 October 2024 for people who don’t have a will
Christopher Edwards v London Borough of Sutton [2016] EWCA Civ 1005
A director’s authority to bind a company
Are the courts prepared to rule on academic judgement?
Reasonable redeployment
Share purchase agreements and restrictive covenants
Retla clauses and bills of lading
Religious dress at work: conflicting opinions
Do you know which jurisdiction governs your contract?
Limitation matters — or does it?
The cost of reasonable adjustments
Changes to share buy backs
ACoP for the CDM 2015 Regulations?
Port or berth charter — who pays for delay?
Misconduct linked to disability — new case law
Whistleblowing: who can claim?
Allotment rents increase unlawful
The evolving landscape of foreseeability in tree root subsidence cases
An improper purpose
Preece v JD Wetherspoons plc
Breakdown of relationships justifies dismissal
TUPE the final word — it's static not dynamic
How much HR involvement is appropriate in a disciplinary process?
Adding insult to injury? Taxation of awards for discrimination
LVI — A fresh approach for defendants
Colour Quest Ltd v Total Downstream UK Plc
Changes to notification of auditor resignations
Weightmans to merge with Mace & Jones
Learning from mistakes and implementing change from public inquiries – the recurring calls to plug the gap
World Mental Health Day – The Positive Workplace Trends
An update on the scope of fundamental dishonesty
New measures to combat violence against women and girls
The Employment Rights Bill 2024 – What’s in, What’s out, and What’s next
Information sharing between mental health services and a patient’s family
Working from home – how employers should manage safety
Weightmans sees legal directory rankings boost for both lawyers and practice areas
The Housing Ombudsman “Learning from: Severe Maladministration” in respect of decants – a review
Police response to stalking and the use of stalking protection orders
Recent AA report highlights young drivers at greater risk on UK roads
Employment Right Bill Series – Flexible Working “Further Flexion”
Clinical Negligence Claims Agreement 2024 Guidance for Trusts
The offence of failing to prevent fraud - implications for those seeking or placing D&O or Management Liability policies
The growing threat of AI-Enabled Fraud in large loss claims
Selling to individuals: are your terms enforceable?
Regulation: the SRA seeks powers to levy unlimited fines
The importance of an expert witness: Joseph Mcilwraith v Bluevale Structures Limited
Small claims court shoulders the burden of personal injury claims
Fresh campaign demands removal of asbestos from public buildings
Merseyside fatality – paint thinning chemical implicated
Buying a business before the Budget – what you need to know
Can comments regarding physical characteristics principally related to one gender amount to sex related harassment?
Update on CS3D
Weightmans launch new book on how to master and implement innovation in law firms
Public authorities’ duty of care no longer in flux?
Pilot of Domestic Abuse Protection Orders to begin in November 2024
Autumn Budget 2024: Wages and NI costs increase
Autumn Budget 2024: highlights, comment and what it means for you
Autumn Budget 2024: The highlights and impact on the retail and leisure sector
Driving change: how the 2024 Autumn Budget will impact the transport and logistics sector
Mental Health First Aiders – the pros and cons for organisations
The Times newspaper names Weightmans as one of the best law firms in the country
The new rules on preventing sexual harassment at work
Weightmans scoops two national awards for See the Possibility
New Guidance issued on the Corporate Offence of Failure to Prevent Fraud
Interpretation of a company’s Articles of Association in relation to the sale of shares of an outgoing shareholder - Fair Value or Market Value?
Employment Rights Bill Series: The Pendulum Swings on Industrial Relations
Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) claims – fixed recoverable costs (FRC) payable and the potential cost implications of defendants settling at different stages
Employment Rights Bill Series: The Fair Work Agency
AI revolution meets regulation: how the Health and Safety Executive is regulating AI
Update on the draft Mental Health Bill
Flexible Working in Construction
Covid Healthcare Workers Litigation – outcome paused pending Inquiry findings
Lung cancer screening – will this lead to an increase in personal injury cases?
A Closer Look: Directors’ Duties
Glasgow team scoop top prize at Herald Law Awards
Mental Health dominates HSE Workplace Statistics - 2023/2024
Weightmans trainees and apprentices aim to inspire tomorrow’s legal stars
Leading lawyer joins Weightmans’ healthcare practice in Newcastle
Removal of police vetting from a probationer is reasonable
Why “Micro-Walks” may be the key to better health
Renters Rights Bill – an update and a call for evidence
Specialised adult eating disorder inpatient service: Consultation
The Property (Digital Assets etc) Bill: a new legal framework for cryptoassets and its impact on divorce and dissolution proceedings
Mixed results for compensators as the Lord Chancellor announces her review of the Whiplash Regulations
Employment Rights Bill Series: Dismissal and Re-engagement - Tying the Hands of employers?
ESG will mitigate the risk to UK companies of international environmental, health & safety and human rights claims brought in the UK courts
New partner joins Weightmans’ corporate team in Manchester
PREDiCT: Spotlight on General Damages Claims Inflation analysis
Improper behaviour during pre-termination negotiations (protected conversations)
Rehabilitation Reimagined : The power of Virtual Reality in Therapy
Legionnaires disease – fine of almost £1 million for Housing Association
Lithium Batteries: Power comes with risk
Budget CGT changes – still time to act?
Painstaking Process
Protection of workers against sexual misconduct – a round up of the many recent developments for NHS HR / People practitioners
Premium Finance Market study
Weightmans brings in new travel insurance team following strong growth
Update: eVisas
Personal injury discount rate (PIDR) change brings certainty
Update on Law Commission review of LTA 1954 - first consultation paper published
Dispute Resolution in NHS Primary Care Contracts
Employment Rights Bill series: Further rules on fair tipping
Assisted Dying – The Legal Process and Practicalities
Triple success for Weightmans’ ESG leadership
RTB consultation
Personal Injury Discount Rate: England & Wales set new +0.5% rate
Class actions in the UK - the changing face of compensation claims
Home Office publishes new guidance on stalking
Renters Rights Bill – an update and a call for evidence (1)
The importance of adequate reasoning in misconduct panel decisions
Clarifying Suitable Alternative Employment under Regulation 10 of the Maternity and Parental leave Regulations
Damages for Personal Injury in Scotland – change is afoot
ERB – First set of proposed amendments: what it means and what to expect
Silent Nights and Data Rights: Father Christmas’ Data Protection Compliance
The Family Court publishes its first Annual Report – how are we doing?
The call for evidence on the statutory duty of candour and government proposals to regulate NHS managers
Receptionist dismissed after manager said she was not ‘dark enough’ to be offended by racist comments
ERB Series: Small but significant changes to the statutory sick pay system
Insurance sector response to the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
The twelve most common Christmas accidents
Elf ‘n’ Safety
Festive Spirits and Legal Hangovers
12 Frauds of Christmas – The Naughty List
HSE to target Local Authorities
Why the changing Employment Law landscape is likely to bring more expense for EPLI insurers
Can’t get a break
Five new partners and raft of senior hires for Weightmans’ insurance team
Possession orders from discretionary to mandatory ground (004) what you need to know
New Clean Power 2030 and National Planning Policy Framework Announcements
Case update: could comments about accent be harassment?
UK Green Taxonomy Consultation
DHSC Consultation response on the notification of restrictive practices
Devolution, Devolution, Devolution
Changes to Residential Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) in 2025: What You Need to Know
Family business owners need to take action as we head into 2025
Lessons in love: Why Standish v Standish demonstrates that it is vital for estate planning professionals and family lawyers to work together
Newcastle corporate team complete record number of deals for 2024
Clarification on slot charterers’ right to limit liability under the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1976 (as amended)
Weightmans makes top five in UK’s Top Employers list
Working in cold weather conditions – what are the responsibilities of an employer?
"Not dark enough to be offended" – Hotel Receptionist wins Tribunal claim
Cautionary tales amongst the fraud successes
EL Claims volumes - the new norm?
Personal Injury Claims - Psychosocial flags
Acute mental illness linked to pollution?
Building Safety – Reflections and Projections
Claims proceed in UK for overseas supplier failings
High Court finds apparent bias at CQC
ERB Series: Zero Hours Contracts and Guaranteed Hours: A Zero-Sum policy?
Domestic Abuse (Safe Leave) Bill
Faulty razor leads to a close shave
Catriona Wolfenden makes The Lawyer Hot 100 2025 list
Landmark judgment in decade-old litigation against Shell plc as Court of Appeal rejects “global claims” approach
High Court upholds referee’s decision
A strengthening of the member conduct regime in England?
English courts willing to determine claims brought by overseas workers that formed part of Dyson’s supply chain
New “Bench Book” released titled Chief Coroner’s Guidance for Coroners on the Bench
Death: Diagnosis, Confirmation, and Certification
AI on the horizon - how to avert contractual disputes in a developing AI landscape
The future of business: are we seeing the end of sustainability or a nascent transition to a ‘new normal’?
Justice Committee launches Inquiry into the County Court
Travel and cross border- accidents abroad and forum conveniens
Claims inflation: The continuing rise in credit hire claims
Consumer reviews: new prohibitions under the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024
First order for compulsory mediation
Access injunctions — committal or forced entry?
Sir Keir Starmer’s plan to solve the housing crisis: A warning from the construction industry on skills shortage
Without prejudice but with consequences – unpacking Morris v Williams [2025]
Weightmans nominated in seven categories at Legal 500 ESG Awards 2025
Weightmans advise on the acquisition of London Irish rugby club
Police Vetting | Di Maria Judgement Briefing
Spinal Injuries: Treatment Innovations and Developments
Are expert reports in inquests privileged and protected from disclosure?
Automated Vehicles – EU Publish Regulation on General Product Safety
Tinnitus Awareness Week-survey reveals referral delays
Protected characteristics, dismissal and discrimination: where is the line for employers?
‘Lost years’ claims: Judgment awaited in leapfrog appeal to the Supreme Court
Air Pollution responsible for over 1100 new cancer cases each year
UK life expectancy stalls - obesity is the main cause
No Notice, No Claim: the conditions precedent in JCT forms of contract
Franchising – Is it time to review your restrictive covenants?
UK Farmers Face a £300,000 Inheritance Tax Shock
EAT Guidance on the level of injury to feelings awards at tribunal: when are they excessive?
Navigating the rapids: the current state of the English law of crypto-assets
Weightmans secures place on The Guinness Partnership’s £9.25m legal services framework
Care Quality Commission prosecution cases continue
New website
Ofgem consults on grid connection reform package
Safeguarding incidents and independent investigators – how best to use them?
Respect Orders - what do we know?
PFAS: The first UK Claims?
How to overcome delays with the Building Safety Regulator
Recent UK public law climate litigation and its lessons for insurers
Cyber Monitoring Centre – co-led by CyXcel, a Weightmans business - officially starts categorising cyber events
Weightmans sign up to Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter
Weightmans relocates Glasgow office
Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) Guidelines – Rebuttal Study published
ERB Series: Day 1 right to claim unfair dismissal
Weightmans has more stand-out lawyers than ever before
Turning tides of investor priorities: anti-greenwashing and the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements
Data Claims and the Small Claims Track
Compulsory mediation in Housing Conditions Claims
Employment Rights Bill Series continued
Stark warning regarding unlawful surrogacy arrangements overseas
Three new partners join Weightmans in Manchester
Philip Nicholas secures discontinuance and recovery of costs for Esure against litigant in person
Rare High Court judgment on Closure Orders
Multiple award success for Weightmans
Statement of changes to the Immigration Rules
Capital Gains Tax Update 2025
CyXcel achieve coveted NCSC Cyber Incident Response (CIR) Approved Vendor status
Weightmans advise on the procurement of seven new helicopters for the National Police Air Service
Changes to the NHS Pension Scheme from April 2025
How to avoid an estate passing to unintended beneficiaries
Limits on an insurer’s right to seek a contribution: Reidweg v HCC International (2025)
Long term consequences of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury suffered in a traumatic context
A warning shot for energy brokers? Secret commission and informed consent
Covert and Overt Recordings of Medical Examinations: APIL Guidance
The future of Employer’s Liability in the UK – a greater onus on employers insurers?
Judicial review: still a remedy of last resort?
Taking the stress out of civil litigation – procedural tactics for early repudiation
Pep Guardiola and the Art of the Amicable Divorce: One Couple, One Lawyer
The cost and benefit of exemplary co-operation – the judge will see fair play
Children's and young persons’ continuing care
Local Government Conference 2025
Care England 2025 conference and exhibition
Personal health budgets and direct payments
“Health Check” events
PFAS claims in the UK: what might insurers expect
London Eating Disorders Conference 2025
Clarity or confusion: how is the Building Safety Act impacting registered providers?
Weightmans Wednesday
Changes to immigration law
SOSR – an introductory series
Employment legislation & case law update
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - Crime and Policing Bill and Housing Management Update
Financial Crime Update: Corporate Criminal Liability under the ECCTA 2023
Motor forum – a credit hire special
Succession planning seminar
Employment Insights Pod
A 'bonfire of red tape'
Deep dive into industrial action
Flexible working: here to stay
Partnership disputes and employment law
Smarter Regulation to Grow the Economy
Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023
Mental Health in the Workplace
Time limitations on employee holiday pay deductions
2023/24 Round up
Key employment law changes (April 2024)
Discrimination case law update (disability / philosophical belief)
Employment Law Insights – General election special!
How to handle criminal investigations and potential dismissals
The new duties on employers to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace
Roundup of the employment law changes in 2024
Insurance Insights Pod
The Morse & Holmes podcast | Episode 4 | High risk claims from litigants in person and trustworthy professionals
Silent cyber
Asbestos in public buildings
PFAS — the chemicals which refuse to degrade
Wagatha Christie — Part one
Wagatha Christie — Part two
Will my ham sandwich kill me?
Johnson & Johnson talc litigation
Japanese Knotweed
Elon Musk’s Twitter and UK employment law
ESG and business interruption in 2022
Rising damp
Grenfell’s Legacy: The emerging risk of firefighters’ personal injury litigation
The Highway Code changes of 2022 — in force for a year, but has anyone noticed?
The Whiplash Reforms – 2 years in
Let's Talk Motor — Automated driving — a discussion on progress and challenges
The evolution of motor claims fraud
Lets Talk Motor — Let’s Go Electric — EVs and ESG
The Morse & Holmes podcast | Episode 2 – Fraud past, present and future
Children and relationship breakdown podcasts
How the Family Court makes Orders
Non-court options
Types of Orders the Family Court can make
Parental responsibility
Grandparents' rights
The Family Court process
Energy Insights Pod
The net zero journey for businesses
Empower Podcast | Episode 1. Perspectives
Safety Season Podcast
What does the law actually say?
Responding to a Serious Accident in Your Business
An introduction to inquests
Look both ways — Transport and Fleet Risks
Giving evidence to the coroner
Sentencing health & safety cases
Health & Safety: forecast for 2024
Listeners Questions
ESG and Sustainability
Health insights podcast
Purchasing your first dental practice – Key insights from the Corporate team
Purchasing your first dental practice - Key insights from the Real Estate team
Corporate Insights Podcast
Bridge Strikes with Chris Powell and Elliott Kenton
An introduction to invoice discounting and structure finance
Understanding the complexities of redundancy and TUPE
Beyond hiring: The real work of employee retention
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