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Product liability

Get expert support with defending product liability claims

Our product liability lawyers provide a litigation and advice service for all product liability claims, including product recall, brand preservation, dispute resolution and claims against suppliers.

Very few commercial businesses, particularly those serving consumers, can completely eliminate all risk when it comes to their products. When risk becomes an issue of liability, any resulting legal claims need skilful handling to protect profits, brands and reputation.

How our product liability lawyers can help you

Our specialist team of product liability lawyers has extensive experience in managing and defending product liability claims across numerous commercial sectors, including manufacturing, food, automotive, marine, electrical and packaging. We act for retailers, including leading supermarket chains, industrial manufacturers and insurance companies among many others.

If your business is facing a product liability claim, our aim is to resolve it quickly and effectively. Wherever possible, we look for alternatives to litigation to minimise cost, time involvement and damage to your operations and we can often resolve complex multi-party disputes by mediation or other means.

As a national firm, we have the network and resources to deal with the largest of problems. We handle all types of claims, from bulk processing minor disputes to the most serious personal injury cases.

Our complete service deals with the wider aspects of public liability confidently, too, handling the requirements of regulatory and government bodies and minimising the effects of negative press reporting.