Construction and engineering solicitors

Construction and engineering solicitors

A comprehensive construction law service for both projects and dispute management.

Our construction solicitors are nationally recognised. We provide a full service advising on all aspects of construction risk management from procurement to completion.

Clients include employers, contractors, sub-contractors, consultants, developers and end-users across all sectors. We are involved in a wide and diverse range of projects from biomass CHP plants, to mixed-use commercial schemes,  university campuses, police and fire headquarters and more.


Why choose our construction lawyers?

Our construction lawyers take pride in offering the highest level of commercial advice. Our experience in acting in every stage of a construction project gives us the depth of knowledge to understand and address issues faced by clients in the industry. We listen to our clients and work closely with them to help understand and achieve their commercial aims.

We draft and negotiate on all the major standard forms of contract, including JCT, NEC, FIDIC, MF/1 and IChemE and prepare bespoke contracts where appropriate.

We are experienced in all forms of construction dispute resolution, including adjudication, arbitration, litigation, mediation and expert determination endeavouring to find a creative and cost-effective method for the early and commercial resolution of issues.

Sectors we work in include:

  • Commercial Development
  • PRS
  • Student Accommodation
  • Transport
  • Education
  • Health
  • Utilities
  • Energy
  • Investment
  • Local Government
  • Registered Providers
