Contract Reviewer
Perfect and protect your ability to recover debt funding provided to businesses
Financial Services: Contract Reviewer
Throughout Covid, lenders/funders were required to provide debt funding to businesses on an emergency and urgent basis. Our experience is that a number of funders are finding their security and contracts challenged due to a failure to follow process and usual practice.
On top of that, Brexit has caused a huge volume of loan agreements to have out of date legislative references — seriously impacting the enforceability of many contracts.
Now is the time to act…
- Review: we can review your current exposure based on existing documentation and process.
- Reduce your exposure: you’ll be given a new set of compliant, up to date loan and security agreements based on your original set, reducing your exposure going forward.
- Make use of the COVID Government guarantees: our expert Financial Services lawyers will advise on the parameters of the guarantee and COVID loan schemes. We will help rectify process and registrations issues.
- Identify regional or sector problem areas: make use of Management Information to help address targeted issues.
Ready to find out more? Our dedicated team are on hand to assist with any of your queries. Fill in the form to learn more about how you could benefit from this service or contact Patricia Grinyer directly via the details below.