Fixed costs calculator
Calculate costs

Fixed costs calculator

Fixed costs calculator. Driving consistency around costs claims to ensure the correct level of costs is paid.

Overcome the confusion that could arise from the extended Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) regime for claims below £100,000 in value.

We understand that the extended FRC regime for claims below £100,000 in value can appear difficult to navigate and keep on top of, costing you money, time and energy to get it right. That is why we have created a new costs product, Calculate Costs, to service your needs. Despite the rules only recently coming into force, there are already amendments in force from April 2024 and we are seeing an increase in queries from clients. Incorporating the benefit of our experience of FRC so far, the launch of our calculator coincides with the new amendments, whilst retaining all the old rules (all the way back to 2013) so that you can have the confidence that everything is up to date and in one place! 

Calculate Costs pulls together all of the fixed recoverable costs in one place, keeping on top of the rules and amendments for you. Developed by our costs experts, in conjunction with our in-house legal engineers, it’s geared to assist your handlers, at all levels, to assess the quantification of costs to drive quick and commercial outcomes.

Calculate Costs will enable you to make strategic, tactical and reserving decisions, both before and during litigation, which, in turn, will help you to save costs. You can try out as many scenarios as you would like and assess the best outcome for you. The calculator will then provide you with a report that you can keep for future reference. 

Making fixed costs simple

Our aim is to make the complex simple by:

  • Driving consistency and certainty around costs claims to ensure the correct level of costs is paid.
  • Improving accuracy of reserving and drive strategy through a cost benefit analysis at each stage of the claim.
  • Enabling users to understand which points to argue to take issue with an opponent's claim for costs.
  • Providing valuable oversight, visibility, and determination of whether costs claimed fall within the parameters of the new regime.
  • Upskilling handlers who have minimal experience of fixed costs regimes.

You may well have attended our roundtable event; “FRC – The inside Track” or seen our introductory video which provides some great background, context and insights for you to think about while using ‘Calculate Costs’. If you missed them, please see the link below which will take you to our FRCs page. 

Fixed Recoverable Costs Insights

Here you can catch up and keep up to date on all our valuable insights.

Fixed Recoverable Costs