

Police forces are experiencing issues with resourcing and skills gaps in their legal teams. These issues may be short-lived and temporary around projects or absence, or they may be a more permanent fixture. The resourcing issues may involve highly specialised roles or be needed to cover skills gaps.

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As for many organisations, emergency service in-house legal teams are experiencing issues with resourcing, capacity, and skills gaps. At the same time, the pressure and expectation to deliver results are perhaps higher than ever. Fortunately, these issues can be short lived and temporary around significant cases or large projects. Sometimes, they can arise as a result of either planned or unplanned absences. Occasionally though, it can be a more of a long term issue which in a competitive environment where specialists are very hard to come by this can present significant challenges. How and when these challenges arise will be different for everyone, but it's important to have a solution on hand. To see the possibility and the options available for dealing with these unprecedented demands or spikes in work, it could be a plan for addressing what may be a lack of suitably qualified candidates for highly specialised roles or to cover skills gaps. However it arises, we're here to offer a solution. Let me introduce you to Auxilium by Weightmans. Whatever your needs, Auxilium is here to support you and your in-house emergency service legal teams. Auxilium can support you with the following: Supplying talented staff with secondments for whatever duration of service that you require. Competitive retainer arrangements. For example, you can choose a fixed amount of hours or days of expertise in those areas that you may need resource, but where you don't want to commit to a permanent hire. Access to our specialist materials through our state of the art training hub. With the support of Auxilium, you need not worry about lack of resource creating service issues that could undermine service quality to client departments or confidence in the in-house legal model. There are multiple key benefits to purchasing Auxilium. These include: The ability to support and enhance your in-house team's capability. Flexible resource support through either virtual or in person secondments. It will always be a bespoke service tailored to your needs. Importantly, it can help you reduce risk. For example, it can save you money through provision of effective know how and training materials, including self help solutions. We will always ensure that we understand your objectives and outcomes, helping you to deliver on your operational priorities and protecting the public. Most importantly, it will maintain the quality of service that you proudly deliver to your organisations. For further information about Auxilium and how to choose the right level of service that works best for you and your business, please do get in touch. Visit our website or contact a member of the team today.

Whatever your needs, Auxilium is here to support you with:

  • Secondments, that can be as short as half a day, or as long as you like
  • Retainer arrangements, e.g. a package of hours or days
  • Help running your legal operations with senior legal management support and training
  • Packages of training in specialist areas of law
  • Access to our specialist materials through our state-of-the art training portal

Key benefits

  • Support and enhance your in-house team’s capability- not replace or compete
  • Resource support (secondments virtual or in person, full or part time)
  • Bespoke service- the client is in control of the type of support they need and when they need it
  • Different options to access what you need your way eg-through subscription or a package, buy units of activity in advance (monthly, annually)
  • Reduce risk- save money- through training and support materials
  • Deliver on your policing priorities-protecting the vulnerable, bringing offenders to justice
  • Protecting and maintaining quality of service

Examples of the service

Use case Problem Solution
Use case 1 We have an ever-increasing volume of clients you are struggling in the market to recruit or meet demands.

Demand and resource support — providing cover for: leavers who can’t be replaced, maternity and other leave, skill gaps and managing specific large projects.

Support with secondments — a named individual virtual or in-person (full time or part time) by month, by quarter and by year.

Don’t know what you need yet but know you will need support? Pre-purchase a package of hours support to have what you need when you need.

Use case 2 We are so busy we don’t have time to train our people or keep our stakeholders in receipt of the most cutting-edge tools to secure their operational outcomes.

Access to a training and resource portal to provide an extensive array of pre-prepared or pre-recorded videos and written materials together with training and workshop support. The tools can be aligned to worktypes or services such as DVPOs, SHPOs, Stalker Orders etc.

This service will be by subscription or by purchasing individual products. Access to Weightmans Know How Portal can be bought separately or as part of an hours package.

Use case 3 Especially for larger in-house practices, their role is often under scrutiny or under review by FDs looking to save money. Where such teams want or need to show improvement, Heads of Legal may want management support.

In-house Management Support and Training- Help in securing improvements to the effectiveness of your in-house team through management and consultancy support. This service will:

  • Boost skills
  • Use best practice examples
  • Share experiences from law firm and legal departmental management