Ricardo is a Partner in the Healthcare Regulatory team and formerly the lead partner on RadcliffesLeBrasseur’s representation of UK medical defence organisations claims as their Head of Claims. He specialises in the defence of clinical negligence claims in general, hospital and dental practice. Ricardo’s casework involves serious injuries and he is particularly interested in and technically skilled at advising on head, neurological and sports-related clinical negligence actions.

Ricardo is the Claims Partner for one of the largest UK Allied Health Professions and is experienced in all aspects of insurance-related healthcare claims and inquest work, including advising on and subsequently leading on the establishment of a Captive Insurance organisation.

Ricardo is a highly proficient litigator, representing clinicians at professional conduct hearings and inquest proceedings in the High Court, Coroner’s Courts and the Court of Appeal. He has been involved in a number of high profile inquests including a number relating to healthcare-related deaths in custody.

Ricardo has represented practitioners against professional conduct charges including involving running a slimming clinic, causing death by rapid opiate detoxification and the use of research funds to subsidise private practice. He is experienced in handling clinical negligence actions in foreign jurisdictions.

He regularly lectures and delivers training to insurers, healthcare organisations, clinicians and experts on medico-legal issues.