Lee is a Partner in the Large Loss team based in Manchester.
Lee is experienced in all areas of law relating to personal injury including EL, PL and motor claims. He specialises in large loss and catastrophic injury claims including chronic pain cases, traumatic brain injuries, fatal accidents and polytrauma claims. He has a specific interest and is considered by insurer clients to be market-leading in claims involving functional neurological disorder and claims were fundamental dishonesty has been alleged.
Very impressive, completely on top of the numbers.
I would regard Lee now as one of the ‘go to’ names for handlers with a case with issues of fundamental dishonesty, further to this his knowledge in the world of functional neurological disorders (an expanding injury type) is also market leading. He has a solid reputation as an out of the box thinker and is seen as a key member of panel who can narrow the issues of even the most complex cases to derive fantastic results on claims.
Lee is knowledgeable and approachable; I really enjoy working with Lee knowing that we can have a collaborative approach to claims.
He is a safe pair of hands and someone who is spoken highly of within our team.
I have worked with Lee on a number of cases over the last few years, he is clearly organised, efficient and has great attention to detail. His ability to clearly articulate his thoughts and strategy for the case in written communication is impressive, and this certainly helps me no end. We have had some great results, and I would highly recommend Lee.
Everyone loves working with Lee; it is always a collaborative and progressive effort, in terms of outcome and development all round.
Notable cases
Cunningham v Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council [2021] EWCA Civ 1719
Successfully defended a local authority in the Court of appeal in a complex case involving a student who had assaulted a teacher. The case is still considered the leading authority on school assault cases.
Woodger v Hallas [2022] EWHC 1561 (QB)
Successfully defended a claim pleaded at over £500,000 on the grounds of fundamental dishonesty. established.
Kumari v Kumar & Advantage
Secured the discontinuance of an estimated £10m alleged fundamental dishonesty claim, obtaining a precedent-setting costs protection order under QOCS.