Joshua is a keen advocate and has experience attending Pre-Inquest Review Hearings and formal Inquests. He has experience working with care providers in negotiating the Inquest process at the same time as engaging with their regulator, the Care Quality Commission. Joshua advises in criminal investigations and is particularly interested in prosecutions brought by the Care Quality Commission or Health and Safety Executive.

Joshua also has experience in public law in seeking judicial review of decisions made by public bodies.

Joshua regularly provides training to healthcare providers covering a range of subjects, most recently focusing on criminal liability within a healthcare setting.

In previous roles, Joshua advised healthcare professionals throughout fitness to practise investigations as the primary fee earner. He undertakes his own advocacy at Interim Order’s Tribunals and assists Counsel at substantive hearings. He has advised on a number of high profile cases and therefore has experience in advising how to approach the national media. Joshua also has extensive experience in advising both healthcare professionals and providers throughout the inquest process with a particular interest in prison Inquests.