Formerly of RadcliffesLeBrasseur, Ian is a Partner in the Health and care team advising and representing medical defence organisations (MDOs) and doctors, dentists and other healthcare professionals with criminal, employment and regulatory matters. Ian frequently receives plaudits from clients for the quality of his work and the commitment given to individual cases.

Ian’s practice includes:

  • Appearing regularly before Tribunals and disciplinary panels on behalf of clients
  • Considerable experience of General Medical Council (GMC) and Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) panels, and General Dental Council (GDC) committees
  • Appeals to the High Court from decisions of health regulatory bodies, including those involving the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care
  • Crown Court trials including appeals to the Court of Appeal Criminal Division
  • NHS employee disciplinary proceedings and appeals
  • First Tier Tribunal Primary Health List hearings and subsequent appeals
  • Employment Tribunal hearings and High Court claims for breach of contract and injunctive relief for healthcare professionals

Some of Ian’s notable cases include:

  • Kulkarni v Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (2009) EWCACIV789: Landmark case establishing the contractual right for medical staff to be entitled to legal representation in proceedings in relation to serious allegations brought under NHS-wide disciplinary procedures
  • R (On the Application of Rahman and Another) v Haringey Teaching Primary Care Trust [2007] ALL ER 230 (May): Attempted termination of a general practitioner’s general medical services contract by a Primary Care Trust on the grounds of patient safety and material financial loss
  • Chauhan v General Medical Council [2009] EWHC 2093 (Admin): Successful appeal against sanction. Fitness to Practise Panel failed to restrict itself to the ambit of the charges faced by the practitioner
  • R v Adlakha: Criminal case involving cross-jurisdictional issues on the law of conspiracy to commit child destruction