Damian Carter from Weightmans finished the Boston Marathon in April to complete his six star marathon journey
A Manchester lawyer switched his suit for his running kit last week as he took part in the Boston marathon — completing his sixth and final major, receiving the coveted Six Star medal and joining just 11,000 other runners from around the globe in the Abbott Six Star Finishers Hall of Fame.
Weightmans Partner Damian Carter finished the Boston marathon in 4 hours. Damian has been on an incredible running journey spanning almost a decade. From Berlin in 2014, to London, Chicago, New York and Tokyo, he has travelled the world and pushed his mind and body to the limit; raising over £13,000 for Alzheimer’s Research and other charities.
His six-star journey took a forced hiatus in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, when the Boston marathon was cancelled — however, it didn’t slow Damian down for long. In October 2020 he took part in the Boston marathon ‘virtually’, running the 26.2 miles on his treadmill at home supported by his family and still raising funds for charity.
On 17 April, Damian crossed the real-life finish line in Boston to complete the Abbott Six Star World Marathon Challenge, and joined a small group of roughly 11,000 other runners in the world to have completed every major world marathon. This time he has so far raised £2000 for Francis House Children's Hospice in Manchester.
Damian said:
“I am thrilled to have completed the Six Star challenge — it has been both physically and mentally demanding but entirely worth it. Boston was incredible, with crowd support all the way from the town of Hopkinton to Boston city centre despite the pouring rain! The event was especially poignant as it was 10 years since the 2013 bombing — the event was such a powerful show of unity and strength from the city, and I was so proud to be a part of it.”
To donate, please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/damian-carter7?utm_source=copyLink&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=damian-carter7&utm_campaign=pfp-share&utm_term=6bf3f00f6b244a229c463e38460f9f42