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Poll reveals hearing loss in the younger generation

Research reveals that 7 in 10 adults struggle to hear conversations in noisy places

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A survey of over 2,000 UK adults carried out by Censuswide for “eargym” – the hearing health app set up by the former NHS Chief Executive, Amanda Philpott — reveals that 7 in 10 adults struggle to hear conversations in noisy places — so reports the “I” Newspaper, 1 June 2024; ( “Listen up! How the cocktail party effect could be putting your hearing at risk”).

The phenomenon, known as “The Cocktail Party Effect”, shows that more than a tenth of 18 to 24 year olds “always” experience the effect, compared to 1 in 13 amongst those over the age of 55 years. Only 17% of those aged 18 to 24 years, “never” experience the effect compared to 28% of those aged 55 years or more.

As hearing acuity is known to decrease with age (presbyacusis), the findings are surprising amongst the younger generation. A higher level of headphone use amongst the youngest age group is thought to be the main reason for the difference, though spending more time in noisier venues like clubs and concerts will serve to increase the risk.

Ms Philpott is keen to ensure that adults protect and prolong their hearing:

 “If there is one thing I would like people to take from this survey, it is that we should be checking our hearing just as often as we are checking our teeth and eyes.  There is a lot we can do to protect and prolong our hearing health, from regular checks to hearing training and wearing ear protection”.

The “I” article also references Stephen Wheatley, Chair of the World Health Organisation’s “Make Listening Safe” campaign: “recent research suggests a correlation between hearing loss and cognitive decline which could be life changing for those affected”

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Photo of Jim Byard

Jim Byard


Jim specialises in occupational disease cases with particular interest in respiratory disease, work related upper limb disorders and noise induced hearing loss claims.

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