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Merseyside fatality – paint thinning chemical implicated

Guidance issued by Public Health England reports Xylene to be a colourless, flammable liquid with a sweet odour

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The substance Xylene occurs naturally in petroleum products, crude oil and both consumer and industrial solvents. It is also present in cigarette smoke and vehicle exhaust emissions.

ITV reported (29 September 2024), the death in a Merseyside village of a man in his 50’s. A Merseyside Fire and Rescue Services spokesman confirmed “…one casualty was affected by exposure to Xylene…”. 

The man is believed to have suffered a cardiac arrest following exposure to paint thinners. A possible chemical spill alert was notified, but the area was subsequently declared to be safe.

Breathing Xylene vapours can cause headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, irregular heartbeat and even death if the exposure level is over 10,000 parts per million (10PPM).

Guidance issued by Public Health England reports Xylene to be a colourless, flammable liquid with a sweet odour. Reassuringly the guidance states “…low level exposure from the environment and from the correct use of products containing Xylene, would not be expected to cause adverse health effects…”.

For more information on Xylene the pain thinning chemical, contact our occupational disease solicitors.

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Photo of Richard Burrows

Richard Burrows


Richard joined the disease team in 2014. He handles a mixed case load of fast and multi-track claims for some of the firm's biggest clients, specialising in claims for asbestos-related injuries and noise induced hearing loss.

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