PFAS claims in the UK: what might insurers expect?
Thursday 3rd April | 1pm-2pm | Zoom
Developments around per- and poly fluoroalkyl substances - PFAS - are being very closely observed by insurers at the moment.
Human activity has given rise to widespread PFAS contamination in our environment and those that have played a role in creating this state of affairs and/or not protecting receptors from exposure could be at risk of civil and regulatory liability. Manufacturers and users of PFAS and PFAS-containing products, and owners and developers of PFAS contaminated land are all potentially in the frame.
PFAS has already given rise to liability litigation in the USA, and there are now very real signs that the litigation is spreading to the UK. Late last year, two law firms announced that they had been instructed to investigate a case against a company in connection with alleged PFAS contamination at a town in Yorkshire. There have been similar developments at another town in Lancashire.
In this webinar, we will move the discussion on from the incidence of PFAS and its health effects to the following key areas:
- The precise types of regulatory and civil liability exposure that are in play;
- The most likely claim scenarios;
- The hurdles standing in the way of claimants and defendants;
- The position on the key scientific issues relevant to liability;
- The coverage issues that may arise; and
- The costs and funding issues that can make or break claims of this nature.
Aidan Thomson, Partner (Environment), Weightmans
Karyn Brannigan, Partner (Casualty commercial), Weightmans
Geraint Williams, Associate Technical Director, HKA