Gender pay gap
In compliance with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations, Weightmans LLP has published its gender pay gap information for 2024. The data required by the legislation is based on employees of Weightmans LLP, with a snapshot date of 5 April 2024.
In line with our core value of radical transparency, Weightmans is also disclosing ethnicity pay gaps. These include statistics around Partner earnings in the report, which goes beyond legal requirements.
When reviewing the report, it is helpful to note that a gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men compared with those of women. This is different from equal pay which is about equal pay for equal work. A full analysis and action plan detailing our response is included within our report. This statement confirms that the published information is accurate as at the time of publishing and is signed by John Schorah, Managing Partner.