Travelling abroad with children

Travelling abroad with children

We provide some top tips for separated parents planning to take children abroad.

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As the school summer holidays approach, many parents have rushed to secure a long-anticipated break.

However, before going to the expense of booking flights and hotels, separated parents ought to consider not only potential travel disruption, but also their legal position as a separated parent.

Separated parents often assume, particularly if they are the primary carer for their child, that they are under no obligation to notify the other parent of their holiday plans. However, they could potentially find themselves on the wrong side of child abduction laws if they take their child abroad without the other parent’s knowledge or consent.

It is therefore a good idea to consult the other parent before committing to any travel arrangements or paying a hefty deposit. Set out below are some important considerations which we hope will assist those parents planning a break.

Who has parental responsibility?

The starting point should be to check whether the other parent has parental responsibility for the child. Mothers are automatically granted parental responsibility on birth, whereas the father of the child will have parental responsibility if he was married to the mother or was entered as the father on the child’s birth certificate.

Alternatively, it may be that the father acquired parental responsibility at a later stage, either by entering into a formal agreement with the mother or by obtaining a formal court order. 

Different rules apply to same sex couples, adoptive parents and step-parents.

If one parent doesn’t have parental responsibility, can the other parent take the children on holiday without the other’s consent? 

Assuming there is no court order in place regulating the arrangements for the child, then the parent with parental responsibility should be able to take the child out of the jurisdiction without the other’s consent. 

That being said, it remains good practice to consult the other parent and make them aware of the proposed trip, particularly if they maintain regular contact with the child.

Top tip: In addition, if the child bears a different surname to the parent taking them on the holiday, it is often a good idea to travel with a certified copy of the birth certificate in order to avoid any difficulties or awkward questions at passport control.

Top tip: Some countries have additional travel requirements or border checks for children, so do check in advance of travel.

What if both parents have parental responsibility for the child?

If both parents have parental responsibility, and again there is no court order in place, then neither parent can take the child outside of the UK without the written consent of the other parent (and any other third party with parental responsibility). 

What if one parent has a residence order or a “live with” child arrangements order?

Residence orders and “live with” orders are essentially the same thing. They are simply a type of child arrangements order setting out who a child should live with. Prior to 2014, these orders were known as residence orders, but thereafter they were referred to as “live with” orders. 

If one parent has a court order stating that the child lives with them, they are permitted to take the child out of the jurisdiction for up to 28 days without the consent of the other parent with parental responsibility, provided that it does not interrupt the other parent’s time with the child.

Top tip: It is advisable to carry a copy of the relevant order alongside the child’s passport and any travel documents. 

Top tip: It is important to consider whether the proposed trip will impact on the terms of the court order and any arrangements for the other parent to spend time with the child. If so, then it may be wise to offer to make up any lost contact before or after the holiday with a view to securing their written consent.

What will the court take into account when considering whether to grant a parent permission to take a child on holiday?

The court will consider all relevant circumstances including the destination, the reason for travel, the length of stay and whether is a risk that the parent may not return with the child at the end of the holiday. Ultimately the child’s welfare is the court’s paramount consideration, and the court will aim to arrive at a decision which is in the child’s best interests.

Some additional tips

To avoid costly court proceedings and unnecessary upset we would recommend the following further tips:

  1. Make contact with the other parent at an early stage and provide them with details of your proposed holiday. Acknowledge and discuss any concerns they may have and try to alleviate them.
  2. If your proposed holiday would impact on their time with the child, offer them some alternative contact.
  3. Before booking the holiday, ask the other parent to confirm in writing that they have no objections to the proposed trip.
  4. If they have the child’s passport, agree arrangements for you to collect it as soon as possible and when to return it.
  5. Once you have booked the holiday provide the other parent with full details of the holiday including the flight times/numbers, the address of the hotel/villa and emergency contact numbers.
  6. If agreement cannot be reached, it is advisable to seek legal advice sooner rather than later, with a view to resolving issues before the planned trip.

Contact our expert child law solicitors for further guidance on planning a holiday abroad with children.

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Photo of Rachel Lim

Rachel Lim


Rachel is a Partner in our family team and specialises exclusively in family law and embraces the varied work this area of law has to offer. She has a wealth of experience in advising clients on all aspects of relationship breakdown.

Photo of Lottie Tyler

Lottie Tyler

Legal Director

Lottie has over eighteen years’ experience advising on family law. She is a Resolution accredited specialist in international family law, children law (disputes between parents or relatives) and complex financial and property matters (high-income households and substantial assets).

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