Relationship breakdown following IVF

Relationship breakdown following IVF

In the event of relationship breakdown following IVF treatment, there are a number of consent issues to be considered.

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Storage of embryos, eggs and sperm

Prior to 1 July 2022 embryos, eggs or sperm held in storage in the UK could be stored for a maximum of 10 years . However, due to a change in the law it is now possible for this period to be extended up to a maximum of 55 years, providing both parties renew their consent to storage every ten years.  It is however open to either partner (or any egg or sperm donor) to withdraw their consent at any time before embryo transfer or insemination.  This raises the question of what happens if, following creation and storage of the embryo the couple decides to separate or one partner decides to withhold or withdraw their consent?  

If a relationship breaks down following IVF treatment not only will they have the usual issues to resolve, such as how any assets should be shared between them and what arrangements should be put in place for any existing child/children, but they will also have to face the difficult decision of what should happen to any embryos created together which are held in storage.  

IVF and relationship breakdown

According to the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology, undergoing fertility treatment is as stressful, if not more stressful, than a number of life events, including the death of a family member. The process itself can go on for months or even years and during that time the couple will be forced to navigate the ups and downs of treatment. Not only will they have to endure the physical side effects of the medical treatment, but they will also have to overcome waves of emotion, stress and on occasion the disappointment that often goes hand-in-hand with the process.

In addition, there are the financial implications of undergoing treatment. It is, therefore, no surprise that IVF places a considerable strain on even the closest couples and many relationships fail to withstand the process.

Prior to November 2024 same-sex female couples wishing to conceive via reciprocal IVF had to first undergo screening for infectious diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C or rubella.  The charge for this screening was in the region of £1,000 however heterosexual couples were not required to undergo this screening.  Thankfully this outdated law has now been scrapped so as to ensure that same-sex female couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples when trying to conceive.

What happens to embryos or donor gametes held in storage?

Embryos may be created with the couple’s own gametes, or with donated eggs, or sperm, or both. Alternatively, the couple may have stored sperm or donor eggs to use to conceive a genetically matched sibling for an existing child.

Couples are often surprised to note that the court approaches embryos and gametes differently from the other assets of the relationship, such as the family home. They are not owned by the couple and possession is not transferred from one spouse to the other upon divorce. It is therefore imperative that the issue of what should happen to any embryos or gametes is considered and resolved as part of the separation process.

As highlighted above, where embryos are held in storage which have been created using both partners’ gametes, the clinic can only continue to store or use them with the consent of both partners/any donor. If therefore, the couple decides to separate following treatment, it is open to either partner to request in writing that the embryos be destroyed. Such a request can be made at any time, but often the trigger for such a request is the breakdown of the relationship. 

If the clinic is in the UK, it has to comply with a set of statutory procedure rules and is obliged to notify the other partner of the withdrawal of consent. There then follows a 12 month “cooling off” period during which time the embryos will continue to be stored but cannot be used by either partner. This provides both partners with an opportunity to discuss matters with a view to reaching agreement as to the best way forward, before irreversible steps are taken. It is not uncommon for one partner to wish to bring an end to the process once the relationship has broken down. However, the other partner may wish to retain the embryos so that they can be used at some point in the future. This can lead to an irreconcilable conflict and it may be necessary for the court to become involved to determine what should happen.  Ultimately, the embryos could be destroyed, donated or used for research depending on the circumstances of the case and the wishes of the parties.  Often the outcome is very different to the one  envisaged by the parties at the outset of treatment and regardless of which partner decided to withdraw consent, it can be a highly emotive time for all involved.

The rules if embryos are created using donor eggs or sperm

The rules differ slightly where the embryos are created using donor eggs or sperm. In such circumstances, only the gamete provider has the formal legal right to withdraw consent to storage. That being said, the clinic must still notify the other partner that consent has been withdrawn and the 12-month cooling-off period still applies. 

The position in relation to stored embryos or gametes is complicated further where neither partner is a gamete provider. It may be, for example, that a lesbian couple may retain donor sperm in storage with a view to one or either of them carrying a future pregnancy. If they then separate, difficult decisions will need to be made such as which partner should be permitted to use the donor sperm and whose permission is needed. Unfortunately, the law in this area is not particularly clear or helpful and clinics need to decide how to proceed on a case-by-case basis. Various factors will come into play in this decision-making process including:

  • The welfare of the child who will be borne
  • Ethics
  • Any contractual agreements in existence

What if despite the breakdown of the relationship both partners wish to proceed with treatment?

On occasion, the parties may decide to proceed with treatment even though they are no longer together as a couple. In such circumstances, it is important that both parties give considerable thought to the legal and practicable implications of continuing to consent to treatment..

The importance of being proactive

Ideally, both partners should talk about what might happen in the unhappy event that their relationship does not survive the treatment process. They should also consider other options such as egg freezing. This would allow a female partner an alternative route to parenthood in the event that her male partner subsequently withdraws his consent. In such circumstances, she could then have her unfertilised eggs fertilised by the sperm of another partner, or donor.

In the event that a relationship does break down following IVF treatment, both partners should be encouraged to grasp the nettle at an early stage and try and achieve a resolution which is palatable to them both, so as to try and avoid a drawn-out acrimonious dispute. Obviously in these situations, time is of the essence, as once the embryos or gametes have been destroyed, they are gone forever. It is therefore advisable to take a proactive stance from the outset and engage in constructive discussions. It is also important to keep the storing clinic updated as to the position so as to avoid one partner using the embryos against the other’s wishes.

Our knowledgeable family law solicitors can provide guidance on a variety of matters including creating a family and parenthood, as well as advice on divorce, dissolution or separation.

A version of this article was first published on 20 May 2022

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Photo of Rachel Lim

Rachel Lim


Rachel is a Partner in our family team and specialises exclusively in family law and embraces the varied work this area of law has to offer. She has a wealth of experience in advising clients on all aspects of relationship breakdown.

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