What are the pros and cons of making helmets compulsory for riders of e-scooters? What is the UK's position versus Spain? Belinda Normandale reports.
Earlier this year Spain made it compulsory to wear a helmet when riding an electric scooter. Should it be compulsory in the UK?
The UK law is currently under review. The guidance on the Government website is “You should wear a cycle helmet when using an e-scooter. Helmets are recommended but are not a legal requirement.”
I recently carried out an informal survey of my LinkedIn contacts on whether helmets should be compulsory in the UK. The vast majority (47 out of 50) were for.
Amongst the arguments for were:
- Helmets reduce the severity of a head injury.
- In a study conducted by the Henry Ford Health System between 2009 and 2019, US Physicians found that head and neck injuries made up 28% of admissions to US emergency departments from e-scooter related incidents.
- Helmets provide higher visibility in general.
- An e-scooter is classified as a “motor vehicle”. It is compulsory for riders of mopeds or motorcycles to wear a helmet on the road so it should be for riders of e-scooters.
Amongst the arguments against were:
- It is likely to put people off using them (and force people to use more expensive and less eco-friendly options).
- Even if it is made compulsory, some people still won’t bother.
- It should be up to the individual on how they protect themselves.
- Helmets are not compulsory for cyclists and skiers so they shouldn’t be for riders of e-scooters.
My own view is that the aim of the game is to not only protect yourself but to make yourself as visible as possible when you are riding an e-scooter on the road (think bright lights and neon clothing).
As someone who sees the bitter consequences of severe road traffic accidents, I am a keen advocate of taking safety precautions wherever possible. While there will always be people who do not comply with the law (the owners of private e-scooters who ride them on public roads and pavements come to mind), if a helmet can save just one person from suffering a traumatic brain injury, then it will be worth it. I am therefore for compulsory helmets for e-scooters.
For more information on e-scooters and helmets, contact our defendant motor insurance solicitors.