Environmental action

Environmental action

We are an environmentally conscious organisation and as such, we acknowledge the potential environmental impact that our operations have on the environment.

We are certified to both ISO 50001 (energy) and ISO 14001 (environment) internationally recognised management systems.

We are also a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact 10 principles and have been awarded a platinum (top 1%) sustainability rating by EcoVadis.

Environmental/energy policies and objectives are in place to ensure we improve our environmental performance:

  • We encourage the use of video conferencing to avoid business mileage
  • We provide drinking water to avoid plastic bottles
  • We segregate waste to aid recycling
  • We try and ensure that offices are not over heated/cooled and equipment is switched off when not in use.

Key achievements include:

  • Paper reductions of >57% since starting paperlite.
  • Printing reductions of >44% since starting paperlite.
  • Business road miles reduction of > 23% (2019/20).

Learn more about our carbon reduction plan.

Download our latest ESG report.

Interested in our wider CSR initiatives?

For more information on our wider CSR initiatives, visit our CSR page.


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