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Case study: Supporting RSM UK as Joint Liquidators

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Weightmans were instructed by Lee Van Lockwood and Gareth Harris of RSM UK in their capacity as Joint Liquidators of Wilsford Transport Limited (“Wilsford”). The Joint Liquidators are situated in Leeds. Wilsford is also based in Leeds and provides a range of transportation and logistics solutions.

The Joint Liquidators are utilising their powers to obtain Wilsford’s books and records to establish the current quantum of Wilford’s debtor book. We assisted the Joint Liquidators with their appointment whilst there was an extant winding up petition presented and are assisting the Joint Liquidators with various avenues of investigation, including liaising with the former directors and employees of Wilsford to understand the affairs, dealings and transactions of Wilsford prior to it entering creditors voluntary liquidation on 11 November 2022.

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