NHS Blood and Transplant provide a safe, accessible blood service for donors, patients and the NHS. This results in a lower cost to hospitals through improved planning of end-to-end supply chain. They provide compassionate matching and allocating of donated organs, tissue and stem cells and support patients, donors and their families throughout the process.
We assist with both internal and external recovery for NHSBT. Internally, we liaise with NHSBT’s human resources department to aid with the recovery of overpayment of staff salaries and excess mileage on fleet vehicles. This involves substantial pre-litigation negotiations, obtaining the whereabouts of ex-employees through tracing and, where necessary, completing the litigation process to obtain County Court Judgments.
Externally, we work with the accounts receivable department assisting with the recovery of invoices both in the UK and worldwide. The majority of this work requires pre-litigation negotiations in order to maintain good working relationships between the parties.